A common way of healing appendicitis-the appendectomy
- By:groshan fabiola
The surgical removal of the appendix, which is located in the right lower side of the abdomen is called appendectomy. This operation is considered as a basis to treat appendicitis.The inflamed appendix may occur through this operation as a result of an obstruction. Nausea, vomiting, constipation and pain are symptoms of appendicitis.At first the pain is felt in the center of the abdomen and then it becomes sharper in the right lower abdomen.Sometimes these symptoms may be absent.
The appendicitis may be due to the following factors: a bowel adhesion, swelling of the lymphatic tissue of the appendix due to a viral infection, a foreign body and a faecalith (a small, hard mass of faeces), which causes blockage, inflammation and infection. When appendicitis is left untreated a rupture of the appendix may result. The infected contents flow into the abdominal cavity causing a more serious medical emergency called peritonitis if the appendix ruptures. Peritonitis is the inflammation of the membranes lining the abdominal wall and organs and if is not treated can be a life threatening.
If the appendix shows signs that it may rupture the patient will be taken to the operating theatre as soon as possible. Open and laparoscopic appendectomy are the two main surgical techniques. The open appendectomy consists in an incision made through the skin, the underlying tissue and the abdominal wall in order to access the appendix. In the case of laparoscopic appendectomy three small incisions in the abdomen are made, through which particular instruments are inserted. To separate the abdominal wall from the organs a gas is gently pumped into the abdominal cavity. So the appendix and internal organs are easily examined. The appendix is removed through one of the small 'keyhole' incisions in laparoscopic appendectomy.
After the operation temperature, blood pressure, pulse and respiration, wound and level of pain of the patient are recorded. An early movement is indicated after the operation. The patient can be able to eat about 24 hours or so after the operation. The stitches are generally removed after one week. If appendix ruptures and peritonitis develops, antibiotics will be prescribed. The infected material will be drained by the surgeon and the abdominal cavity will be disinfected and an intravenous fluids will be administrated into the vein. This procedure can cause a longer hospitalization. Infection is one of the most common complications which may appear after an appendectomy. The infection of the wound is another common type following an appendectomy.
The general suggestions of the doctor may be: follow a diet, using the mild laxative for the first few days, drinking water, avoiding lifting heavy objects and stair climbing and regular gentle exercises. The appendix is a redundant organ and the human body can manage well without it. If the appendix is entirely removed the appendicitis will not show again. Surgery is preferred as a treatment for appendicitis. An operation delay will only increase the risk of a ruptured appendix. If signs of appendicitis appear a doctor should be called.
Appendectomy is carried out as an emergency basis to treat appendicitis because the appearance of an appendicitis may lead to a life-threatening complication. The only way to remove the appendix is the open surgery or laparascopic surgery.About the author:
For more information about appendicitis please review http://www.appendicitis-center.com/symptoms-of-appendicitis.htm or http://www.appendicitis-center.com/chronic-appendicitis.htm