A few facts that you should know about gout

By:groshan fabiola

High levels of uric acid in the body will form crystals in the joints, and the result will be pain and inflammation. In fact, this is a type of arthritis, which is named gout. Foods that contain high quantities of protein and purines were thought that raise the risk of developing gout.

There were made studies, to see what foods influence most the apparition of gout. It was revealed that persons that eat a lot of meat have a higher probability of developing gout than those who do not eat so much meat. Also the ones who consume most seafood have a higher risk to develop gout.
Although it was thought that purine- rich foods increase the risk of gout, studies revealed that it is not always like that, not all the purine- rich foods raise the risk of developing gout. For example, it was proved that a diet containing cauliflower, beans, peas, spinach and mushrooms does not increase the risk of gout. In stead, it was discovered that low-fat diary products decrease the risk of gout and generally protein intake had no effect.

Consuming a lot of seafood is recommended for a healthy heart, but in the same time, a lot of seafood may raise the risk of developing gout. So, it is hard to say what is best to do, you must analyze the benefits and the consequences, there isn’t a generally available situation. Doctor’s decisions will be individualized, depending on each person.

High uric acid levels in the blood can be found in obese people. It is important that they consult the doctor and decide on a reasonable weight-loss program, because an improper diet may cause the uric acid levels to raise, and gout will complicate.
People who have kidney stones that appeared due to the uric acid will have to eliminate purine-rich foods from their diet, because it is known that foods can raise the uric acid level.
Alcohol is another factor that can contribute in raising the uric acid levels, and gout can appear. In stead, tea and coffee were not found causing problems.
A wise thing that should be done is to drink daily at least 10-12 eight-ounce glasses of non-alcoholic fluids. This is recommended especially to persons that have kidney stones, to help flushing the uric acid crystals from the body.
Here are some foods that are very rich in purines: mussels, yeast, herring, hearts, smelt, sardines, sweetbreads. It is also good to know a few of the moderately high in purines foods. Some of them are: grouse, mutton, veal, bacon, salmon, turkey, kidneys, scallops, partridge, haddock and trout.

It is important for everyone to know the risk some foods can develop, and to eat moderately the “black-listed” ones.

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For more resources about ulcer or especially Gastric Ulcer please visit http://www.ulcer-center.com/Gastric-Ulcer.htm