A few things about fibromyalgia syndrome and its effects
- By:groshan fabiola
Although it is the most common cause of widespread pain, fibromyalgia can remain undiagnosed for a long time, and often doctors put misdiagnosis, causing disasters in the lives of the patients. It is not known exactly how many people have fibromyalgia, opinions differ from doctor to doctor, but it is sure the fact that most patients are female.
The word “fibromyalgia” comes from Latin, it is a combination of the Latin roots fibro, which means connective tissue fibers, my (muscle), al which means pain and gia- a condition of.
For many years, fibromyalgia was called under different names, such as fibrositis and chronic rheumatism. It is known that fibromyalgia is not curable yet, but it is very treatable, there exist many ways for you to improve your health and quality of life.
Many times, patients may experience symptoms that seem to have nothing in common with fibromyalgia, such as burning feet or mental confusion, but they experience also an over-all flu-like feeling.
It was revealed that in the central nervous system of a patient having fibromyalgia, some things occur, and that does not happen to healthy people. For example, in a healthy person, if you press a tender point, there is a minimal response in the brain, but if you do this to a patient having fibromyalgia, the result is totally different, the response of the brain is completely wild.
Fibromyalgia has as effects pain amplification, musculoskeletal discomfort, systemic symptoms, and it can reduce the coordination skills, endurance abilities, we may say it can be a source of substantial disability.
Patients with fibromyalgia may be very affected by some lights, sounds, touches. The body of the patient may interpret all these as pain. They also experience exercise intolerance, sleep disturbances, swollen felings.
Usually, most patients experience pain, but in the case of the older patients, the dominant symptom is fatigue, depression and soft-tissue swelling.
Young patients have skin sensitivity, discomfort after minimal exercise, below-normal temperature or low grade fever.
It was discovered that increased pain sensitivity of fibromyalgia can be determined because there is a dysfunction in the patient’s central nervous system. In fibromyalgia syndrome, there is a generalized central nervous system mediated deep tissue sensitivity.
This sensitivity includes the muscle and that is why many people are wrongly believing that it is a muscular condition.
It was shown that many mothers with fibromyalgia syndrome have children that develop the same syndrome. This may due to genetics, the tendency to develop fibromyalgia syndrome may be inherited.
Studies discovered that about a half of the children that have a parent with fibromyalgia syndrome can develop the same syndrome too.
It is very important that fibromyalgia syndrome to be recognized as soon as possible, because following a treatment at the right time will ease the symptoms and make them controllable.About the author:
For more resources on fibromyalgia and espcially about fibromyalgia symptoms please visit this link http://www.fibromyalgia-info-center.com/fibromyalgia-symptoms.htm