A list of risk factors in lymphoma
- By:groshan fabiola
Up to this day the actual cause of many of the lymphoma cases are not yet known. However, the main cause that doctors believe applies to almost all lymphoma cases is mutation in some genes.
If the cause remains relatively unknown in most lymphoma cases, the factors that put you at risk of developing lymphoma are known. There are many risk factors that contribute to the development of lymphoma.
- the age and gender of a person actually are two of the main risk factors in lymphoma: as one gets older, the risk of having this type of cancer increases; most of the people that suffer from lymphoma are over fifty; if you are a men, then that too may be considered a risk factor in lymphoma, because studies have shown that men are more predisposed to develop lymphoma than women are;
- the environment or your work place may also be important: if you are exposed to chemicals like pesticides, solvents, herbicides, than you are more at risk of having lymphoma;
- the strength of your immune system may also have a say when it comes to lymphoma: if you have a weak immune system, either because you take certain drugs or because you suffer from an auto immune disease, then you will be more likely to develop lymphoma; moreover, people that suffer from AIDS risk of developing lymphoma much more than those that do not have this disease;
- there are also viruses that of having certain types of lymphoma: the Epsin-Barr virus is one of the viruses that can increase the risk of developing the type of lymphoma called Burkitt' s; HTLV- I virus is another of the main culprits when it comes to lymphoma; HHV- 8 is the most recent found virus that is believed to be highly related to lymphoma;
Unfortunately, many of the risk factors of lymphoma are not within our reach, that is to say that we have no control over them whatsoever. You might be able to control where you live or the work that you do, but age or gender are definitely not controllable. Furthermore, many of the lymphoma patients are born with a weak immune system. Viruses are also something that we have no control over as well. Theoretically, there might be some control over whether you get infected or not, but in the real life, luck is probably your only allay. So, as you can see, there are not many things that one can do to prevent lymphoma.About the author:
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