A modality of currying of gallbladder
- By:groshan fabiola
The gall bladder is removed by a surgery named cholecystectomy surgery. The gall bladder is removed through a 5 to 8 inch incision in the abdomen. The cut is made below the ribs on the right side and goes just below the waist. This procedure is called open cholecystectomy.
But there is a newer way to remove the gall bladder called laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In this case a small, thin tube with a scope on the tip of it is used to see the inside of the body and to remove the gall bladder. Small incisions are used the rather than one large incision. The same tube is put into the body through a tiny cut below the navel.
The gall bladder can be seen on a TV screen and by the surgery with tools inserted in other small cuts made in the right upper part of the abdomen. In this manner the gallbladder is taken out through one of this incisions. People who agree with laparoscopic cholecystectomy may have less pain after surgery and may return to work more quickly.
The laparoscopic surgery does no need to cut the muscles of the abdomen and because of this the incision is much smaller. The laparoscopic cholecystectomy does no need over night hospitalisation. On the other hand the open cholecystectomy need hospitalisation for about five days. The incisions are smaller with laparoscopic cholecystectomy and there is not as much pain after this operation as after open cholecystectomy.
A surgery around the gall bladder tend to bleed a lot. Complications may include bleeding, infection and injury to the duct (tube) that carries bile from the gall bladder to the stomach. During laparoscopic cholecystectomy the intestines or major blood vessels may be injured when the instruments are inserted into the abdomen, but this complications are rare.
The most efficient way of currying the gallbladder disease remains the surgery. The techniques improved a lot nowadays and they offer many methods of currying gallbladder.About the author:
For more resources about gall bladder please review http://www.gall-bladder-guide.com/gall-bladder-removal.htm or even http://www.gall-bladder-guide.com/gall-bladder-symptoms.htm