About symptoms that can appear due to hernia

By:groshan fabiola

When we talk about hernias, we talk about a defect or a hole in the muscle container of the abdominal wall. Because of this defect, the contents of the abdominal cavity (intestine, fat and other organs) may be pushed by the normal pressure that occurs within the abdomen through that defect (hole). If this happens, there will appear a bulge or a swelling beneath the skin of the abdominal wall. Because there are many types of hernia, it is known that the site of this bulge can vary, according to the type of hernia and location of the hole or defect.

Hernias can cause pain, but the severity and the character varies from patient to patient. There can appear localized pain, this happens directly at the site of the hernia because there appear some damage at the tissue at and around the hole, and pain can also develop as a result of irritation of or damage to area nerves.
If we are dealing with incarceration hernia, abdominal contents become trapped or damaged within the confines of the hernia, and the pain may become generalized in location, may even involve the entire abdomen in the situation when secondary peritonitis appears.

Usually, the localized pain is the result of stretching and tearing of the abdominal wall tissue. It is known that as the bulge gets bigger, the pain increases; when the contents of the hernia fall back into the abdominal cavity, the bulge reduces, and so does the pain. If the hernia protrudes again, the pain will return.
Generalized pain appears when the hernia is incarcerated or trapped in. In this situation, the intestine’s blood supply may become compromised or shut off. The tissue within the hernia who’s blood supply is strangulated will progressively die, because of the lack of blood and oxygen. This may cause a generalized pain throughout the abdomen, and this pain does not relieve by rest.
There can happen sometimes that hernia irritates, inflames or damages nearby nerves. In this case, it is a great chance that the pain to be felt at the area to which these nerves are traveling.

The normal flow of food through the intestine becomes blocked when the intestine becomes trapped within the hernia. As a result, there can appear nausea and vomiting. If the intestine is only partially blocked, the symptoms that can appear are nausea, and poor appetite.
Constipation may appear if the intestine is blocked within the hernia, and normal flow of food contents and subsequently feces is blocked.
It is also known that urinary symptoms like hesitancy, frequent infections, bladder stones, urinary burning may appear if the bladder becomes entrapped within a hernia.

About the author:
For more resources about hernia please visit these pages http://www.hernia-guide.com/Sports-Hernia.htm or http://www.hernia-guide.com/Inguinal-Hernia.htm