About the symptoms and treatment of eczema

By:groshan fabiola

It is known that eczema is a chronic, inflammatory skin disorder. Due to the fact that too much moisture is lost from its upper layer, the skin becomes dry and itchy; in this way, the bacteria and viruses will penetrate easy because the skin remains without protection.
There can appear some symptoms that announce eczema is present. For example, there may appear redness of the skin around the blisters, the skin can become dry and extremely itchy, and because of scratching, there can appear raw areas of the skin which may even lead to bleeding.

Neem is often used to maintain healthy skin. It is a very powerful blood purifier and detoxifier in Ayurvedic usage, and there are scientific proofs that this product has immune enhancement properties. Neem is used for external applications in skin diseases.
A herbal remedy for all types of skin diseases through blood purification is Haemafine syrup. This syrup can provide an ultimate cure for acne, pimple, eczema, and nose bleeding.
In what concerns Shuddha Guggulu Capsules, this is one of the most famous herbs in Ayurvedic medicine, and have strong purifying and rejuvenating powers. It is known that this product can cure skin diseases like eczema, skin rashes and other.

It is very important to take care of your skin. You should use a small quantity of soap when you are bathing, and the soap must be a mild one.
In order to prevent skin cracks, moisturizers are very important. They help keep your skin soft and flexible.
The irritated area must not be scratched, even if it itches, and it is known that too much heat and sweat makes the skin more irritated and itchy.
It was seen that in patients who are under stress, eczema can flare up. Eggs, fish, peanuts, and soy are dietary restrictions that may help avoid flare ups.
It was seen that drinking tomato juice clears up eczema in a few days, and also carrot juice and spinach juice in combination are utile in eczema.

We can mention some home remedies. There can be mixed 1 teaspoon camphor with 1 teaspoon sandalwood paste and apply on the affected areas; you can make a paste by rubbing a nutmeg against a smooth stone slab with a little water and then apply on the affected areas; you can also apply coconut oil to the portions with eczema.

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For more resources about nummular eczema or even about cause of eczema please review http://www.eczema-info-guide.com