About the treatment of ovarian cysts
- By:groshan fabiola
Functional cysts appear very often, especially in women that haven't reached the menopause yet and aren't on the pill. Usually, the doctor will suggest waiting a month or two, to see if the cyst disappears on its own. There is a great chance that the cyst to disappear, and, some doctors also advise their patients to take the pill while they are waiting because it is possible that in this way, the chances for the cyst to disappear to rise.
It is known that only the functional cysts go away on their own, the other types must be surgically removed. Especially when the cyst is large, is causing symptoms or is discovered in pregnancy, it has to be removed.
Usually, at first, there is performed an operation called laparoscopy, in order to get a better view of the cyst. If it is necessary, a laparoscopic fenestration may follow, and using some small cuts, the cyst is removed by draining its contents. Then, there will follow a laboratory examination of these.
Sometimes, a more serious operation, called laparotomy is needed. This involves a much larger cut, and the entire cyst is removed and sent for analysis during the operation to see if it is cancerous. If the patient is under 40 years old, it might be recommended to leave the ovary intact, even if it has been seriously damaged by the cyst, because that part can still work normally. But, if the patient is over forty, the risk of developing cancer increases, and the doctor may recommend removing one or both ovaries, along with the fallopian tubes and womb.
Women who have family history of ovarian cancer should talk with the doctor whether they are at an increased risk and if it is necessary the ovarian removal.
There is a hard thing to decide if you follow this operation to remove the ovaries. Especially because some doctors advise women to remove the ovaries in order to prevent the apparition of cancer, which, in many cases will never appear. It is very important that women talk with the doctor and get enough information about these things, about the risks, and about the changes that will occur in their lives after the operation.
The length of recovery depends on each type of operation. Laparotomy will take longer than laparoscopic fenestration, laughing and sneezing can be painful around the stitches for a while, and you won't be able to drive or lift anything heavy for several weeks. Laparotomy can also bring a longer term abdominal discomfort, because of the adhesions which can stick internal organs together, and can also block your fallopian tubes which would affect your fertility.About the author:
For more info about ovarian cyst surgery or even about ovarian cysts/ please review this page http://www.ovarian-cysts-center.com/