Acid reflux in babies
- By:groshan fabiola
Acid reflux is a condition that happens usually after or during a meal. At that time, the contents of your baby' s stomach back through the esophagus, which is the tube that links your mouth to your stomach. This tube has a ring of muscles at the bottom, which opens to let food into your stomach. In adults, when the LES opens after a meal is because gas must be released. In babies, when this ring opens, is most of the times accompanied by acid reflux. Acid reflux can happen in children when they cough, strain or even cry.
There is no actual reason for concern, because acid reflux is quite a common condition in their first months on this world. Healthy infants can suffer from acid reflux as well as babies that have other medical conditions. However, by the time your baby reaches one year maximum two years of life, acid reflux should go away. If not, you should have your child see a doctor. Acid reflux also has some symptoms. A very small number of children suffer from severe symptoms cause by acid reflux. The majority experience a couple of symptoms that are mostly mild. Some of the symptoms that can indicate an acid reflux case can be: irritability, vomiting, spitting up and some blood in their stools. These are all acid reflux signs.
However, there are children that can be very affected by acid reflux. Although, their number is very small, there are cases when the symptoms of acid reflux may be cause for concern. Some of these serious acid reflux symptoms are: refusing to eat, because they could be suffering from pain; poor growth, because your child can not hold down any food due to the acid reflux; breathing problems may appear when suffering from acid reflux; burns in his/ her esophagus or blood loss. These particular problems may indicate an acid reflux condition, but could also be signs of other medical problems as well. The best thing you should do in this cases is see a doctor and discuss with him/ her the possibility of acid reflux or some other health problem.
Sometimes, tests also have to be done in order to see if your child is actually suffering from acid reflux, or those symptoms actually indicate something else besides acid reflux. There are cases when treatment can be started without any further testing or cases when a baby that suffers from acid reflux will not need any treatment.About the author:
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