Answers about chicken pox
- By:groshan fabiola
One of the most frequently asked questions about chicken pox is the way that it can be treated at home. As we know chicken pox is a contagious infection of the body that causes very itchy blisters. If it’s treated well this disease will lead to no complications. The few symptoms caused by chicken pox are fever but especially itching skin.
If the patients won’t try to stop scratching the blisters may lead to other infections. That’s why doctors recommend calamine lotion or even natural remedies such as oatmeal baths to reveal the itching. Against fever doctors prescribe medicine such as paracetamol. It is not indicated, especially for children to take aspirin to relieve fever because the liver or the brain may be affected.
A treatment for chicken pox is not always necessary. If the patient is isolated in a cold room this infection may disappear within a week. Warm places can cause an even harder to take itchiness. If the infection develops into a more serious one treatment is highly recommended. Doctors are able to prescribe it, and they usually prescribe acyclovir, the specific treatment for this kind of infection. This treatment is supposed to be administrated within a day before the chicken pox rash. Also in need to see their doctor are the persons that are exposed to chicken pox but especially the ones with a weak immune system. The pregnant women should also see their doctor because chicken pox may affect them and their infant too, with pretty bad consequences.
If people are asking when they should go to a specialist the answer is when complications start to appear. If patients have lasting fever, or when it’s very difficult for them to move or to breathe, or when they are vomiting often, they should see the specialist.
Chicken pox is caused by the virus called varicella. This virus is the one responsible for all the symptoms and complications caused by chicken pox. In order to prevent the infection of the body with this virus, doctors recommend varicella zoster immune globulin (VZIG). This treatment is meant to prevent the acquiring of the virus even though you are in contact with other patients. Because of its price and its short term effect this treatment is prescribed only in special cases where there is the risk of severe disease and when people are not eligible to receive the vaccine.
In this category we include the newborns, children with leukemia, people with immune system problems and least but not last, pregnant women.About the author:
For more information about chicken pox or even about treatment for chicken pox please review this page