Appendicitis in children

By:groshan fabiola

The most frequent and important symptom of appendix inflammation in children especially male ones are vague abdominal pains. Most often this sign stands for appendicitis in male subjects with an increased incidence in older children and teenagers. The risk of vague abdominal pain suggesting appendicitis is the surgical intervention often discovering a normal healthy appendix; this occurs frequently at this particular age due to an imprecise diagnose. The other possible mistake and complication in children below six is the appendix perforation due to a late intervention.

The frequent complications regarding misdiagnose of appendicitis concerns surgeons all over the globe and strongly recommends an early and accurate analysis of medical history, physical exams and preliminary investigations. A precise recognition of appendicitis highly decreases the risk of morbidity and mortality of children accusing abdominal pain.

A highly competent diagnose must be based on both obvious clinical signs and an accurate histopathological examination to prove the existence of an appendix inflammation. Long lasting abdominal pain is no particular mark for the presence of appendicitis as must be associated with the migration of the pains to the right iliac fossa or the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. This particular localization of the painful symptoms is strongly connected to a successful positive appendicitis diagnose. Vomiting is a frequent additional symptom in appendicitis and increases the chances of a right diagnose when present.

Other important accompaniment symptoms in appendicitis are rebound tenderness in the iliac fossa and even percussion tenderness; in severe cases of perforation, these signs stretch through the entire abdomen. In acute appendicitis, guarding and rigidity in the lower abdominal quadrant are also signs of certainty.

An important Para clinical investigation in appendicitis suspicion is the blood analysis; an increased rate of the white blood cells especially over 15000 permm3 recommends a positive diagnose while a low number of leucocytes often means no appendicitis. The ultrasonography can also certain the presence of an appendix inflammation in children with classical symptoms, but can mislead diagnosis when the signs are very weak or very strong.

Computer tomography can sometimes be a good additional investigation in appendicitis suspicion but its value is low in cases with too low or too strong accompaniment symptoms.

As a conclusion it is likely to establish a right positive appendicitis diagnose in presence of vomiting, pains in the lower abdominal quadrant, tenderness and rebound tenderness, abdominal guarding and an elevated number of white blood cells. In more vague and unclear illness symptoms and signs-cases the experience of the surgeon and its intuition will always play the most important role.

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