Basics in Bronchitis detection, conventional treatment
- By:groshan fabiola
In acute bronchitis the sounds along your upper respiratory ways change so the doctor will examine you with the stethoscope and will detect easily the disease. If you have chronic bronchitis your doctor is supposed to make some specific determinations such as: X-ray of your chest and pulmonary function tests.
Conventional treatment means adopting simple measures such as: stop smoking, avoid irritants and allergens, drinking fluids and getting lot of rest, a inhaled bronchodilator and/or cough syrup. There are many alternative methods that help in relieving the discomfort but do not treat the infection. In severe chronic bronchitis steroids reduce inflammation they may be given oral or inhaled and oxygen may be necessary.
Conventional medicine
Antibiotics are not necessary in healthy people. Because coughing is a way of getting rid of secretions in our bronchis we shouldn’t suppress cough and we should’t take anything that has as effect the suppressing of cough. Only if your cough is dry and painfull and gives you high discomfort and insomnia your doctor will prescribe you cough suppressant. It is enough if you drink plenty of fluids and take acetaminophen.
In chronic bronchitis the lungs are more vulnerable, so you should have an yearly vaccination against flu, pneumonia. It is not complicated and you may not be required a second or booster shot. Take your medications only as suggested by your doctor. An expectorant may be usefull if your cough is dry. If you observe any change in the color, volume and thickness of the phlegm it means you have an infection.
Infections with bacterias are treated with broad spectrum antibiotics for 10 days. You should stop smoking and have steroids prescribed against the inflammation. In COPD and chronic bronchitis you may need an bronchodilator anticholinergic. In severe cases of chronic bronchitis and COPD oxygen therapy is usefull. It can be administered continous or only when needed. Try not to expose the oxygen tank to flammable materials or sources of direct heat such as: radiators or hair dryers. Your doctor will urge you to stop smocking, because it may reduce the symptoms and increase life expectancy.
Home remedies in acute and chronic bronchitis
In acute bronchitis
You should stay at home, keep warm and drink lots of fluids, do not make physical efforts, inhale steam and use a vaporizer. In this phase the symptoms such as: wheezing, shortness of breath and fever are reduced if followed the indications.
In chronic bronchitis
In chronic bronchitis the most important is to quit smoking. It would be an important measure not to be exposed to allergens or irritants, avoid contact with people with colds. It is helpful to dress warmly, to use a vaporizer or inhale steam over a sink full of hot water.About the author:
More informations about bronchitis treatment or bronchitis can be found by visiting