Brain damage in schizophrenic people

By:groshan fabiola

Scientists are still trying to understand why people develop this disorder, and even more what are the factors that lead to the appearance of schizophrenia. One thing is certain: a single factor is not responsible for the triggering of the disease. it has been found out that it is exactly the other way: a multitude of things starting from genetic factors to environmental assaults and hormonal changes can determine a person to develop schizophrenia. Many things can cause the damage of the brain and afterwards the onset of the disease.

Brain size and circuitry have proven to be key factors in the development of schizophrenia. With the help of MRI’ s and computer imaging techniques scientists have revealed that a lower brain volume and tissue loss in the brain are serious problems in patients suffering from this disorder. Because of this physical changes that occur in the brain the cortex and temporal lobes start functioning abnormally thus determining the appearance of the symptoms of schizophrenia.

The changes in the cortex affects memory in patients, verbal communication, normal reasoning, proper attention and even aggression. Still the way that the symptoms show up in every patient are different.

Overactivity of some parts of the brain has proven to be the reason why some patients experience auditory hallucinations.

The loss of volume in areas lie the temporal lobes has proven to have a direct effect on the emotions and memory abilities of the patient. Delusions and hallucinations will most certainly affect the person at some point in the life of the disease. after the onset of the illness things will most certainly get worse if left untreated.

Because of the chemical changes that affect the brain, the natural function of the nervous cell will always get disrupted. Connections between cells will either collapse or suffer irepairable damage. Because of this information will not be received as it should or would fail to reach its intended purpose. Speech problems and hallucinations are some of the many side effects of the miss wiring that occurs in the damaged brain.

Other problems that may occur in the brain would be abnormalities in dopamine receptors, in glutamine receptors and the loss of reelin a very important protein to the nervous system.

In order to live the a normal life and to reduce the symptoms of the disease doctors should permanently be checked with.

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For more information about schizophrenia or even about history of schizophrenia please review this page