Chances of coming down with diabetes
- By:groshan fabiola
Studies have shown that, generally , people over 45 and with the tendency of being overweight are in serious problems regarding this disease. Testing and seeing where that one person stands and what the risks are is very important. But this shouldn’t be considered a final fact… people under the age mentioned earlier and with the same tendency also have slight chances of one point in their lives having the illness. Having one ore more risks factors should really determine you to get to the doctor and do an immediate check up. Answers will be given allowing this way to get the right decisions regarding your way of life.
Weight loss, moderate exercising and a controlled diet has also shown to be very affective against pre-diabetes. Pre-diabetes is the case where your levels of glucose in the blood have not reached the levels of diabetes but still problems do exist because increased levels compared to other normal people. Certain steps that one can take will bring the level of glucose down making you not at risks as you were before. Check ups are usually necessary again after 2 or 3 years to make shore the levels have not increased.
All these problems can be prevented very easily by regular exercising, maintain a healthy and balanced diet and if it’s the case actually losing some weight. It has been shown that lowering the level of cholesterol and also reducing the level of stress is yet another good fact lowering risks.
Modern medicine has cataloged till now three types of diabetes.
The first of them would be juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes. This is called so because it most often appears in children or teenagers. The sad fact in their cases is that the pancreas has lost its ability to produce insulin and so daily doses must be administered to the patient, usually trough shots, so that the body can function normally. A healthy and balanced way of life also prevent other complications from appearing.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common of the three, usually more frequent in adults. in this type of the illness the sickening happens gradually, first the muscles and liver stopping the intake of insulin and than finally the pancreas losing its ability to produce any more insulin. Overweight people are the most likely get this. Dropping the levels of fat and lowering the calories that one consumes, also with the help of exercise and proper diabetes 2 medication will ultimately help with the patient’s condition.
Final type would be gestational diabetes that occurs as the name says in pregnant women. Usually it disappears after the child birth.About the author:
So, if you want to find out more about diabetes or even about diabetes treatment please follow this link