Chicken pox fact sheet

By:groshan fabiola

Chicken pox is generally known as the children' s disease. Adults can catch chicken pox as well, but only the ones that have not head chicken pox when they were children. Doctors refer to chicken pox as varicella, which is a very contagious medical condition. If you have contact with a person that has chicken pox, it will take about two week for you to get infected as well. This is known as the incubation period of chicken pox. After only a couple of days from infection, a rash will appear on your body. This is the incipient form of chicken pox. Afterwards, the rash turns into blisters, which in turn burst and ultimately scab over. Winter and spring are the most likely season to develop chicken pox.

Besides the rash that you get on your skin when suffering from chicken pox, there are also some other symptoms that might indicate that you have been infected. If you have a slight fever, for no apparent reason, or if you suffer from a headache, you can blame these conditions on chicken pox. If you have been infected with chicken pox, do not expect this disease to disappear in a few days. From the first signs of chicken pox, you will probably be sick almost a month. However, there are chicken pox cases where the patients will suffer no more than ten days. The usual chicken pox cases last about two and a half weeks.

The first sign of chicken pox, as I have mentioned earlier is a rash that appears on your skin. Your chest and the upper part of your back are the first places that the tiny and red spots will appear at first. If you are one of those people that suffer from a severe case of chicken pox, then your face and the extremities of your body will also be covered by the rash. These little spots will soon become blisters, which eventually form scabs. Scabs is the last stage of chicken pox.

There is more than one case for chicken pox. The most common is a virus called herpes zoster. Because chicken pox is highly contagious, if you have contact with the blisters that are broken, you will get infected as well, that is of course, if you have not had chicken pox before. A weak immune system can also put you more at risk of developing chicken pox.

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For more resources about chicken pox or even about treatment for chicken pox please review this page