Chicken pox treatment

By:groshan fabiola

There are many thing to deal with when suffering from chicken pox, but the most important and hard is the itching.

Chicken pox, also known as in medical terms, varicella consists of a rash all over your body. This rash then soon turns into blisters and then scabs. These blisters are very itchy, but they must not be scratched under any circumstance, because it may lead to infection. Another chicken pox symptom that must be controlled is the fever. Although, a chicken pox patient will not suffer from a very high fever, nonetheless it must be reduced. For the itching sensation that chicken pox gives you, warm baths using baking soda are recommended. You may also use green peas or even honey, to relieve your child of that terrible itching sensation that chicken pox gives. Cool compresses or even cool baths will actually do you a world of good when suffering from chicken pox.

As many of you know, chicken pox is a children' s disease, that only affects a small number of adults. So, because it affects children, aspirin should under no circumstances, be used in children that suffer from chicken pox. The reason is very simple, aspirin increase the risk of developing Reye' s symdrom, which is life- threatening. So, for the fever that is caused by chicken pox or any other conditions that affect children, use ipubrofen instead. Also make sure that you cut your child' s fingernails very short, or better yet use some gloves, because he/ she may damage the skin from scratching. If the chicken pox rash affects your child' s mouth and somehow lesions happen, you might want to use some salt water, for your child' s comfort. Furthermore, try to give your child as many cold fluids as you can and also keep him/ her away from any spicy food. This will prevent any further damage of the mouth because of the chicken pox rash.

Because the blisters that are cause by chicken pox are filled with fluid, the risk of developing an infection is very great. So make sure that your child washes his/ her hands at least three times every day. Also try to keep the skin affected by chicken pox as clean as possible. Infections in children suffering from chicken pox are not very sever, but there is always the risk of a big infection.

To prevent chicken pox, you can have your child vaccinated. Actually, nowadays doctors encourage vaccination against chicken pox.

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For more resources about chicken pox or even about chicken pox virus please review this page