Chicken pox vaccine

By:groshan fabiola

Varicella, also known by many of us as chicken pox, is a disease cause by a virus. This disease, is contagious and unfortunately it affects children. You can safely say that if you have had chicken pox when you were a child, you will never suffer from it again.

Rash, blisters, scabs and a lot of itching are what you should expect when suffering from chicken pox. This is not a very pleasant disease, but it does not pose any actual threats on your child. Nowadays, the number of children that are affected by chicken pox is smaller and smaller, due to the invention of the chicken pox vaccine. Before, an astonishing number of children got infected with chicken pox each year. However, things have started to change since the vaccine fro chicken pox was discovered. The name of the vaccine against chicken pox is Varivax and it is very effective. Actually, it has a rate of efectivness somewhere between eighty and ninety percent. So now, there is a way to prevent chicken pox. However, not all children will benefit from this vaccine against chicken pox. There are some kids that have other health problems and should not be given the chicken pox vaccine. Except them, all children are vaccinated against chicken pox when they are one year old. It is preferable that your child receives the chicken pox vaccine at the same time with the vaccine against mumps- measles- rubella. If you are older, but are considered susceptible to chicken pox, you should also use the vaccine.

One dose of the chicken pox vaccine is more than enough for children under twelve years old. Adults and children that are over twelve, will receive a second dose of the chicken pox vaccine about six weeks after the first shot. There is little to non risks involved in this vaccine against chicken pox. However, it is best that you talk to your doctor first and decide if you should take the vaccine against chicken pox or not. There could be side effects to this vaccine, although there is no valid complaint up to this day. Even if you get your child or yourself vaccinated against chicken pox, the risk of developing this disease still exists, but it is lower considerably.

If you are one of the unlucky one that still develop chicken pox, there are many available treatments, including home remedies for chicken pox.

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For more resources about chicken pox or even about adult chicken pox please review this page