Child bladder infection
- By:groshan fabiola
A possible bladder infection can be detected into doctor's office. Two tests are done for this: U/A and urine culture.
U/A is done in the office. If child's symptoms are mild and U/A is normal a culture may be done for assurance. When the child's symptoms are moderate to severe and an infection is present a culture to confirm it will be send to lab and doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to avoid allowing the infection to get worse. In case that child's symptoms are mild and the U/A is positive the treatment will be given after the culture results.
Doctor may wait a few hours for the lab to run a microscopic U/A to help in the decision if he give or not a treatment while the culture is running. While the culture is being done a mild bladder infection can be left untreated for a few days without risking harm to the child. The results of a urine culture sent to a lab will be done after one or two days. If it is positive it must checked the sensitivity of the antibiotics.
The treatment with antibiotics will be for 5 to 7 day or longer for recurrent cases. In addition to antibiotics cranberry juice can be used. It must be drunk three cups a day during the course of antibiotics. This juice has a substance in it that prevents the bacteria from sticking to the bladder. Also lots of water must be drunk because it helps flush out the bacteria.
The bacteria are kept from multiplying inside the bladder if child often urinates. If child is too afraid to urinate because of the burning she can urinate while sitting in the warm bath. In case that a kidney infection is suspected by doctor a shot of a strong antibiotic in the muscle to hit the infection harder will be prescribed by him to the child and then will continue with an oral antibiotic.
About two weeks after treatment a urine culture test may be taken for assurance that the urine has cleared up. A urine culture should be checked every one or two months to monitor for infections if the child has recurrent bladder infections. These urine checks can be spaced if the child goes for six months without an infection.
Occasional infections may appear to some children throughout childhood. They are produced by different causes and girls are more predisposed to have this problem than boys due to the shorter urethra.
To prevent bladder infections must be avoided irritants like soap, bubble bath, and shampoo, tight underpants, constipation. Also a proper wiping may be used from front to back after having a bowel movement. For infants in diapers it is required an increased attention to wipe around the vaginal area with a stool-contaminated wipe.
Is is important that one glass of cranberry juice to be drunk each day. Double voiding: child try to urinate twice each time to make sure the bladder is completely empty. Antibiotic prophylaxis involves taking a small daily dose of an antibiotic to prevent bacteria from overgrowing. Periodic urine cultures can be done in every one or two months.
Tests are necessary to discover the infection and with their help a good treatment may be prescribed.About the author:
For more resources about kidney infection or especially about please review kidney infection causes please review