Children affected by autism

By:groshan fabiola

In cases of autistic children usually something is wrong by the time the child is 18 months old and requires help by the time the child is 2. Children with autism have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions and pretend play. In some cases aggression-toward others or self-may appear.

Some children with autism seem normal before age 1 or 2 and then regress and lose language or social skills. This is named the regressive type of autism. Body movements, unusual attachments to objects or unusual distress when routines are changed may be performed by people with autism.

Sensitivities in the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell or test may be experienced by people with autism. Because of the sensitivities of their skin children with autism will refuse to wear "itchy" clothes. The following areas may be affected in a different degrees: communication, inability to start or sustain a conversation, repeated words, reverses pronouns, nonsense rhyming, communication with gestures instead of words, short attention, span.

From the point of view of the social interaction the people affected by autism may present the following symptoms: show a lack an empathy, difficulty in making friends, prefer to spend time alone rather than with others, lack of social cues such as eye contact or smiles. In what concerns sensitivity discussion about sensory impairment can contain the following: heightened or decreased senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell or taste, mouth objects, rubs surfaces, diminished, response to pain, physical contact because it is over stimulating or over whelming.

The majority of children with autism show a decreased level of pretend or imaginative play, a decreased level of imitation of the actions of the others and they prefer solitary or ritualistic play. Their behaviors may be: repetitive body movements, a strong need for sameness, "acts out" with intense tantrums, very narrow interests, an obsessive interest in a single item, idea, activity or person, an apparent lack of common sense.

Recent studies have shown that children with autism are treated like normal people, but unfortunately they live in their own world.

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More informations abiut child autism or about autism can be found by visiting