Depressed while pregnant- Why is that?(part one)
- By:groshan fabiola
As amazing as bringing a new life into this world may be, the price to pay is very big. Almost any woman want' s at one point in her life to have children, and are willing do almost anything in their powers to make their dream come true.
What most of them do not now is what the sacrifices are, even when pregnant. Serious changes take place in their bodies and being pregnant is sometimes overwhelming. That is the reason why, must of them suffer from heavy depressions while they are expecting.
This can be very dangerous for both mother and child. To better understand to consequences and what is to do about this, we must first see what depression is.
The first thing to know about depression is that this a mood disorder, and it' s direct effect on people in see through sadness. Be careful though, cause depression is something far much grater than a simple blue one in a while. This mood problem can afect almost
every aspect of our lives, from eating to sleeping. Nowadays, depression is very common and is due to stress at work, relationships and many ordinary things. But a pregnant woman is more at risk than any other person, for her ilness can also affect the unborn child.
There was a time when specialists thought that pregnant women could not be affected by mood disorders, especially depression. This was believed because the pregnancy hormones produced by the woman could definitely prevent that. With time, this situation has proven to be wrong.
More pregnant women suffer from depressions than we can even imagine. And guess why? Because the increase of hormone level while pregnant. Figures show that al least twenty percent of the pregnant women suffer from depressions, of have symptoms. But only half of these women
have to be committed into hospital for treatment. Is it as important as this, and should not be taken easily into consideration.
So if it is as common as this, one must wonder what is the thing that triggers depression. Well, there are many factors. The first cause is believed to be a change of chemical levels in one' s brain. As we all know, this chemicals are responsible with mood changes, so here comes
depression! Another cause may be the hormonal level, which we have talked earlier. This are the most important factors, but smaller ones like problems in the family may also be a reason.
Be sure to read part two, to find out where depression in pregnant women can lead.About the author:
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