Diagnosing lymphoma
- By:groshan fabiola
To diagnose a lymphoma case if very difficult because many of the lymphoma symptoms are similar to those of other medical conditions. However, based on the symptoms, you might suspect a lymphoma case and go see a doctor, where you will have a physical examination. Only through this thorough examination, and sometimes x- rays, your doctor can diagnose you with lymphoma.
When you go see your physician for an examination because you suspect a lymphoma case, here is what to expect: he/ she will start to palpate all your lymph nodes. They are situated in your neck, right under your chin, around your tonsils, your elbows, shoulders, in your groin area and under your arms. Besides this examination of these areas of your body in order to proper diagnose lymphoma, your doctor will also feel your abdomen and chest to see if there is any swelling there as well. Your liver and spleen will also be examined by palpation. If your doctor, after this examination, believes that there is a presence of lymphoma, further test will be made. The physical examination is just the beginning of the lymphoma diagnoses process. The test that are made after the examination serve to better determine if you indeed are suffering from lymphoma or not. A biopsy, x- rays, blood tests and scans are the next tests that you will have to take in order to be diagnosed with lymphoma. If the results in those lymphoma tests
are inconclusive, then you will probably also have to take a bone marrow test.
Lymphoma symptoms are not enough to diagnose this disease, because they can also be associated with other diseases as well. However, they serve to give you an idea that something is wrong. Here are some of the most common symptoms of lymphoma:
- swollen nodes, which are painless is the primary lymphoma sign;
- anemia, loose of weight and fatigue also tell you that you might be suffering from lymphoma;
- fever and sweating, mostly at night, for no apparent reason are also signs that indicate a lymphoma case;
- shortness of breath and an annoying, persistent cough are also lymphoma symptoms;
- itching, sometimes all over your body is one of the lymphoma signs as well;
There are also some other symptoms which can indicate a lymphoma case, but they are less common. Back pain or swollen tissues are some of the rare lymphoma symptoms. They appear because your lymph nodes can actually compress some of your nerves.About the author:
For more resources about lymphoma or even about mantle cell lymphoma please review this page http://www.lymphoma-center.com/mantle-cell-lymphoma.htm