Diagnosing multiple sclerosis

By:groshan fabiola

Multiple sclerosis is an inflammation of your central part of the nervous system. To proper diagnose multiple sclerosis, the doctor has to find lesions in this part of your nervous system. Furthermore, those lesions must be disseminated in space as well as in time in order for you to be diagnose with multiple sclerosis. This means that the lesions of multiple sclerosis must happen in different areas of your nervous system, the central part and they also have to have three months apart. This is the only way that the doctor will be able to diagnose you with multiple sclerosis.

If there is no proper explanation of the lesions, then multiple sclerosis is definitely the case. Furthermore, there is no test alone that can say for sure if you indeed suffer from multiple sclerosis or not. This being said, your doctor must also do more studies of your nervous system. Based on the find and the tests that were done before, your doctor will be able to diagnose you with multiple sclerosis. There are some conditions that can actually mimic multiple sclerosis and this is the reason why more tests must be done. An infection of your central part of the nervous system can be one of the reasons that doctors must do further tests to see if you indeed are suffering from multiple sclerosis. Genetics problems or a micro vascular disease are also some other problems that you might have with your central part of the nervous system and those can mimic the multiple sclerosis. A deficiency in vitamin B 12 or the compression of your brain or spinal cord can also be some of the conditions that could easily
mimic multiple sclerosis.

The best test so far which can detect even the smallest lesions of multiple sclerosis is the magnetic resonance. This imaging can show even the most silent multiple sclerosis plagues. This is the major reason why this test is one of the criteria on which a doctor can diagnose you with multiple sclerosis. This multiple sclerosis test has also the advantage of early diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

There are some characteristics that can show up on the MRi and can indicate multiple sclerosis:
- the brain leasions that can indicate multiple sclerosis;
- lesions of the spinal cord or no swelling of the cord;
Doctors should also be careful not to misdiagnose multiple sclerosis, which could happen if the signs are read wrong.

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