Different people with different appendicitis symptoms
- By:groshan fabiola
There are cases when people with certain medical conditions like pregnant women, children and the elderly, which have appendicitis, may not have all the common appendicitis symptoms.Also the other medical conditions can cause the symptoms of appendicitis.From this point of view the people which have possible appendicitis symptoms should consult immediately the doctor, because only he can diagnose and treat the problem.
The most common symptom which appear early is a pain in the abdomen. This pain can appear at first around the belly button and then move toward the lower right area of the abdomen. There are other common appendicitis symptoms like: pain that intensifies when moving, taking deep breaths, coughing or sneezing, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, inability to pass gas, low fever that begins after other symptoms, abdominal swelling and feeling that a bowel movement will relieve the discomfort.
The common appendicitis symptoms appear differently at the women which develop appendicitis during pregnancy.So these women who have pain on the right side of abdomen and those who are in the third trimester must consult quickly the doctor. To diagnose appendicitis at infants and young children is more difficult because they cannot communicate their symptoms with their parents or doctors. Because the children cannot explain very well the symptoms, doctors must rely on a physical exam and less specific symptoms, like vomiting and fatigue.
There are cases when children with appendicitis may have constipation or small stools that contain mucus while toddlers with appendicitis may have trouble eating and may seem unusually sleepy. If the parents believe that their children have appendicitis should contact a doctor immediately. It happens that the elderly to have less fever and less severe abdominal pain than other patients with appendicitis. Although the older adults can have symptoms appendicitis without knowing that their appendix is close to rupturing.
The appendicitis symptoms like a slight fever and abdominal pain on the right side of the abdomen can be met to the older patients. They must see a doctor. Patients with certain medical conditions like: organ transplants, HIV or AIDS, diabetes, obesity, cancer and using immunosuppressive therapy such as steroids may not have the common appendicitis symptoms.
Anyone who have pains on the right side of their abdomen which resemble with the appendicitis symptoms must consult the doctor quickly to avoid other problems.About the author:
For more information about appendicitis please review http://www.appendicitis-center.com/acute-appendicitis.htm or http://www.appendicitis-center.com/symptoms-of-appendicitis.htm