Difficulties in prescribing a good medication treatment in acute Bronchitis
- By:groshan fabiola
It is usual for some doctors to prescribe antibiotics in some diseases even if they aren't necessary. Antibiotics have been prescribed for years in acute Bronchitis too , but they are not a solution for this disease.
Bronchitis is caused by the inflammation of the bronchi of the lungs as a result of influenza or a cold and it is characterized by a persistent and frustrating cough.This occurs especially in winter because of the cold air, or even by breathing a polluted atmosphere air or by smoking.
Usually the agents that produce Bronchitis are viruses, bacteria or fungi so this is one of the causes why this disease doesn't respond to the treatment with antibiotics. There are also medicine articles and books which doesn't support the prescription of antibiotics in Bronchitis.
To choose an appropriate treatment for a short -term Bronchitis it is recommended to be taken in consideration all the aspects of the disease. First of all it is a pulmonary disease and the lungs are vital organs and it is also very important to know the agent that produced the disease. The treatment strategies must be related to individuals, pathology and diagnosis.
There are two kinds of Bronchitis regarding the agent that caused them. We can speak about a Bronchitis caused by viruses and which doesn't respond to the antibiotics treatment, and a Bronchitis caused by bacteria, such as whooping cough which respond to the antibiotic therapy. The treatment is not for a very long time , it lasts for five to ten days.
Sometimes people think that if the doctor prescribe them a lot of medication they'll be cured, but this is not a rule. In acute Bronchitis it is not necessary to prescribe a lot of medication , it is just important to understand the cause of the disease.
A wrong prescription of antibiotics treatment can have a lot of negative consequences. First of all antibiotics are expensive and they may cause adverse side effects such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and rash. All this may require further treatment. If the administration of antibiotics lasts for a long period, they can induce resistance and the treatment against other infections becomes useful.
In the history of medicine there are a lot of doctors who prescribed antibiotics for the patients with acute bronchitis and there was no benefic result for them. Patients waited to be cured , but their condition was even worsen. But there are also some situations when the patients are looking for the doctor to prescribe antibiotics and when they receive a prescription without antibiotics they don't trust the doctor anymore. So it is very good for the doctor to inform the patients about all the aspects of the treatment and to make them to understand that antibiotics are not always the best choice.
Because one of the symptoms characteristic for Bronchitis is cough, doctors prescribes anti-tusives. This must be a good choice, but studies and patient's reaction showed very little effect.About the author:
For more resources about bronchitis or especially about bronchitis symptoms please visit http://www.bronchitis-guide.com/bronchitis-symptoms.htm