Discover the Signs of autism
- By:groshan fabiola
Autism is considered to be a variety of mental retardation, or an occasion as a severe form of obsessive-compulsive illness. The first term of autism appeared around 1912 when psychiatrist Eugene Bleurel used the word to refer to patients who were self-absorbed and out of touch with the rest of the world. The term autism is derived from the Greek word autos, meaning self.
The term shows the communicative isolation that is the foremost feature of the illness. In fact the term referred to schizophrenic individuals who displayed catatonic behaviours and not to autistic patients as it is known today. The autistic syndrome may be described as mental retardation or mental illness. A mild form of autism identified as Asperger's syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder and it was discovered by Dr. Hans Asperger.
A more general description of autism described by Dr. Leo Kanner was provided. Both doctors recognized the intense isolation experienced by their child patients was the central function of the condition. Mental retardation and obsessive-compulsive disorder is unquestioned today but researchers refined Drs. Kanner and Asperger's work. Autism is thought as a family of related diseases which today are known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs).
Three other conditions round out the pervasive developmental disorder family Rett's Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Asperger's Disorder. Another diagnosis, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) is used to indicate PDDs of unknown origin. All these developmental disorders are characterized by communication and social impairments. Different causes for the underlying impairments are different one from another; they differ by profiles and intensities of impairment typical of each condition.
Autism spectrum disorders are synonymous with pervasive developmental disorders. A person can have a pervasive developmental disorder and not carry the diagnosis of autism in particular. Because of their insidious nature of autism spectrum of disorders are difficult to recognize. Parents are seldom motivated to assume the worst about their children's atypical behaviour and symptoms until they become impossible to ignore. Most parents do not bring their children in for formal diagnosis until they are between 18 months and three years of age. As time goes by parents and physicians learn what to look for and more children are diagnosed at earlier ages.
Methods and techniques for identifying pervasive developmental disorders early continue to be refined. The preferred method for identifying autism and related pervasive developmental disorders the behavioral observation has been preferred. Children's lack of eye contact and social reciprocity are recognized as the major causes of autism. A characteristic of autism and related disorders is the presence of the stereotyped repetitive movements. When they are concerned about a PDD like autism it can be difficult for parents to know what specific signs to look for. A list of warning signs and milestones all revolving around the crucial team of communication deficits.
Such circumstances should be concerned about his child if: the child does not: babble or coo by twelve months, use gestures to communicate and the child does not wave, grasp objects or point to objects by twelve months, say single words by the age of sixteen months and does not say two-word phrases on his or her own by 24 months, the child has a loss of any language or social skills at any age. Only a psychiatrist or psychologist observes the child's behaviour and interviews the parents or guardians he may administer one or more formal tests designed to measure PDD-like behaviour and compare it to normal children behaviour so that the degree of the child's impairments can be determined.
The doctor will review the test results and observation notes and make a diagnosis based on observable criteria.
It is important for a parent to observe a child's behaviour and verify its mental health. This method will show if any case of autism appears and it is true also that a specialist should be consult.About the author:
More informations about autism symptoms or about autism symptoms checklist can be found by visiting