Discovering the secrets of Scabies

By:groshan fabiola

The cause of scabies are ectoparasites, which can also cause pediculosis. The patients who suffer from scabies suffer from intense itching, due to this skin disease. People who are mot are risk of developing scabies are those who do not wash very often or change their clothes.

Permethrin is the most used cream in scabies treatments, but a good hygiene is essential if you want the scabies treatment to work. When adults are concerned, scabies can be recognized by a papular rash. In children and infants, scabies may have some more symptoms, like nodules, pustules, besides the rash and itching which caracterize scabies. If you have the type of scabies that is crusted, the proper treatment is with ivermectin, orraly. For other types of scabies, cream is used.
It is also essential that you take also environmental measures against scabies to prevent any recurrence of this disease.

Scabies can be developed through contact, but a prolonged one. You only need to have skin contact with a person that already has scabies. However, a short contact with a person that has scabies is not enough for you to get scabies as well. If you live in the same household with a person who suffers from scabies or have any sexual contact with such a person, scabies can be contacted. Another way of infection with scabies is by clothes, bedding or even towels. This is a rare form of getting scabies, but it is possible nevertheless. Animals also have scabies, but you can not get it from them, as
scabies in animals is caused by a different scabies mite than in humans.

The scabies symptoms take about two to four weeks to appear. It can be less or longer, depending on the person. People that have had scabies before, the symptoms for scabies can appear as quick as in two days. Scabies is a disease that can reappear. The most common scabies symptoms are itching, mostly at night time, blisters and a scabies rash, colored red.

To get infected with scabies you only have to have contact with a scabies infected person, but the contact you have with that person must be bigger than a hand shake for example. Scabies is quite common among people that share a house, usually tenants, people who live in dorms, even those who work in crowded places. There is also a grater risk of developing scabies if you have frequent contact with children.

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