Does acne treatment actually work?
- By:Ken Wilson
You always wanted to have your friend’s clean skin, but unfortunately, when you look in a mirror all you see is red, ugly spots, which hide your nice features. Many people have to deal with the persistent acne that does not clear even after treatments with antibiotics or more sophisticated methods.
To get rid of acne you have to find out first what the cause of it is. Using a cleanser or ointment as an acne treatment when the acne is very serious will not improve your skin condition. Nevertheless, it might actually make it worse. If you see a doctor or a dermatologist, they will prescribe you drugs, topical treatments or antibiotics, which of course will not work, because they are not managing the root cause of the problem.
Women have the tendency to hide the acne with make-up but this is not a smart thing to do. Make-up will only clog the skin more and not allow it to breathe. You can find on the market such so-called acne remedy, consisting of all sorts of creams, cleansers, special formulas, but as most people with acne have noticed, they do not work. You only throw away thousand of dollars on things that can sometimes damage your skin even more.
Some of the products available as acne treatment claim that they can cure acne because they destroy acne bacteria. What most people do not know is that acne bacteria are not the cause of acne. It is only a symptom. These products do not work permanently because they only clear the bacteria from the surface of the skin and make the blemishes go away for a short period, but they do not actually treat the root of the problem.
People with face acne suffer for years, and this situation involves a lot of stress and insecurity. Self-esteem is very low and most of them hide themselves and do not enjoy the great things in life the way they should. The acne blemishes can be very stressful, but they are not the start of the problem but the end of it. The acne is actually an internal problem, and the skin is another way of eliminating toxic waste from our body.
For most people acne begins at puberty, when the body produces androgen hormones. Acne develops because such hormones over-stimulate and enlarge the sebaceous glands in people with acne. This is also the reason why pregnant women or the ones that have their menstrual cycle also get acne. There is no fixed acne treatment or acne remedy to get you rid of it miraculously. You have to start doing some basic changes in your diet and life style. An acne treatment will not work in stress conditions either, because your gut bacteria are not healthy. You can try any acne remedy but as long as your insides are not healthy, it will prove pointless.
For an acne remedy to work and have long-lasting effects, you need to have a healthy diet, with small quantities of refined sugars, drink plenty of water and try to use herbal supplements instead of artificial ones. Acne if often genetic, and in this case it is more difficult to get rid of it. Some astringent cleaners affect the skin as well, causing acne.
If you have scars produced by acne that are red, purple or even brown, you can use rosehip oil, which you can apply straight on them. As a rule, rosehip oil reduces scared tissue because of the high content of fatty acids, along with neem oil.
For adolescents it is good to go out in the sunshine and enjoy the fresh air, they should eat less fat foods and sweets and try to reduce the quantity of red meat. Fruits and vegetables are always a better choice to heavy meat meals, and deeds and nuts are a very good diet supplement.About the author:
Many people suffer from different types of acne and are in constant search for an acne treatment. Even if they try all sorts of products and spend huge amounts of money, a good acne remedy is changing your life style, by eating properly, drinking enough water, exercising and reduce stress.