Drug risks when pregnant
- By:groshan fabiola
In the cases of women risks, problems and complications can be very sever if any narcotic drugs are used. The amount of drugs that can create dependence is very small in their cases. This is why a lot of second thoughts must be given to the simple fact of drug usage; by the time the woman may decide to seek help their addiction may have already installed being very difficult to treat. Drug usage in women can cause a lot of nasty side effects like health problems, sexual transmitted diseases and mental problems like depressions.
In the cases of women a remarkable discovery has been made: studies have shown that many of them who decided to use drugs have lived a very troubled life. As a fact, it has been discovered that most of he women that decided to take up drugs have been sexually abused at some point of their lives, but most often before the age of sixteen. Again a tendency to start using drugs and alcohol has been found in women who have had one or both parents abusing the same things.
From the psychical point of view, a certain pattern has been found to stand out dorm the other: this way we see that people who have low self–esteem or very little self-confidence tend to be more likely to be using drugs than normal people. With the beginning of using drugs or alcohol the feeling of not having the power to do anything installs creating even more problems for the person and making rehab even tougher. A feeling of isolation and loneliness installs in the patients mind. Certain women from minority groups or the ones not knowing proper English could find it difficult to seek and get good medical help.
Problems and risks are even grater in the cases of pregnant women; not only are they seriously endangering their lives but they are also putting at very hi risks the life of the un borne child. Serious health problems may occur during the pregnancy if any drugs or alcohol are abused of. We all know that the mother and child are very tightly linked together so f the mother uses or takes any drugs it’s more certainly sure that the child is going to suffer from them to. This way we see a lot of risks that are brought upon the un borne child; he may be infected with HIV if the mother gets it, AIDS, may suffer a premature birth, low birth weight or may even end up dying in the mother’s womb. Further continuing to abuse drugs after the child’s birth may also lead to neglect, malnutrition and in very often cases physical abuse.About the author:
For more inforamtion about ectopic pregnancy please visit http://www.pregnancy-1st-guide.com/ectopic-pregnancy.htm or http://www.pregnancy-1st-guide.com/