Eczema symptoms

By:groshan fabiola

The cause of eczema is not known for sure. Some believe that eczema can be the result of a genetic predisposition, others that there are certain factors that influence the development of eczema. Whatever the causes of eczema might be, some things are for sure. This condition can lead to a red, itchy skin that is also extremely dry. When you have an eczema you may also have blisters on the surface of the skin that may become crusty .

There are many types of eczema, but the most common of all is the atopic eczema. Like all the other eczema types, this one is caracterized by itching as well. However, the itching sensation is more worse and if a person with atopic eczema scratches his/ her skin, the eczema symptoms get worse. Another problem cause by an eczema is that it makes your skin more sensitive to almost all substance. So there is no wonder if you might more irritated by detergents, soap and even cosmetics. In small children, an eczema can be seen, in most cases, as a patch just below your child skin.

Itching is the trade mark of an eczema. Although a rash is also present when you suffer from an eczema, if the rash is not itchy, than it is more than certain that you are not suffering from an eczema. However, if the itching has been somehow improved by eczema treatment, then the rash may exist without the itch. Because itching is a symptom in many other problems of the skin, including eczema, this is not the basis of diagnosing an eczema. keep in mind though that an eczema without a rash does not exist. It is still a problem today to fully understand the cause of itching.

Another eczema symptom is redness. When your blood flow is increased, the skin is very red. In cases of eczema, the process of the skin inflammation is a very complex one and can be triggered by many different factors. An eczema can also flare up if your skin gets infected by a bacteria.

Blisters are also a symptom of eczema. In an active eczema, the blisters seen are small. Though, there are cases of eczema when the blisters are larger, because either of an infection of the skin or the type of eczema that you have. This blisters that are an eczema symptom are filled with fluid, but there are times when eczema blisters are filled with pus.

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