Facts about diabetes treatment
- By:groshan fabiola
It is known that fat makes cells more resistant to insulin, and so, overweight is the greatest risk factor for type 2 diabetes.
Loosing weight is a smart thing to do, and for some people, even a little weight loss can restore blood sugar to normal.
Sometimes, exercise, diet and maintaining a healthy weight is not enough, and in this cases medications are needed. Insulin is one of those medications, and it is known that some people with type 2 diabetes have to take insulin every day in order to replace what their pancreas is unable to produce, and everyone with type 1 diabetes have to do this.
It was seen that insulin cannot be taken in pill form because becomes ineffective because of the enzymes in the stomach, so, it has to be injected with a syringe or an insulin pen injector.
There can also be used insuline pumps. These are pumping devices which have a small tube that connects the reservoir of insulin to a catheter that's inserted under the skin of your abdomen. The pump can be adjusted to infuse more or less insulin.
The synthetic human insulin is the most widely used form of insulin. It is manufactured in the laboratory, and chemically identical to human insulin. Unfortunately, it is not perfect, but newer types of insulin, known as insulin analogs closely resemble the way natural insulin acts in your body. We can mention here lispro, insulin aspart and glargine.
For treating the type 2 diabetes, there are some drugs treatments too. Sulfonylurea drugs stimulate the pancreas to produce and release more insulin. Usually, there are prescribed the second-generation sulfonylureas, like glipizide, glyburide and glimepiride. Sulfonylureas can have side effects, like low blood sugar.
Having similar effects to sulfonylureas, meglitinides work rapidly and don’t present so great risk to develop low blood sugar.
Metformin works by inhibiting the production and release of glucose from your liver; it has the advantage that it tends to cause less weight gain than do other diabetes medications. There can appear side effects like nausea or vomiting, abdominal bloating or pain, a metallic taste in your mouth, loss of appetite, gas and diarrhea. There also can appear a serious side effect: lactic acidosis, which results when lactic acid builds up in your body.
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors block the action of enzymes in your digestive tract that break down carbohydrates. This prevents the rapid rise in blood sugar that usually occurs right after a meal. In this category of drugs we can mention acarbose, and miglitol.
We can also mention thiazolidinediones, which make your body tissues more sensitive to insulin and keep your liver from overproducing glucose. As side effects, there can appear swelling, weight gain and fatigue.
Sometimes, there are used drug combinations. Many doctors prescribe two drugs in combination, although sometimes three drugs may be prescribed.About the author:
So, if you want to find out more about diabetes mellitus or even about juvenile diabetes please follow this link http://diabetes-info-center.com/