Facts and conditions regarding prostate

By:groshan fabiola

Prostatitis is a common illness for men under 50 and it is considered the most common prostate problem. In addition to this, the prostate is part of a man's sex organs which is about the size of a walnut and surrounds the tube called the urethra, located just below the bladder. Moreover, the urethra has a double role, firstly carries the urine from the bladder and secondly has the role in carrying the semen (a combination of sperm and also afluid produced by the prostate), during a sexual climax or ejaculation.

Furthermore, the most common prostate affection is prostate enlargement known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP) and in some cases the prostate problems may lead even to cancer. Prostatitis usually occurs as a inflammation of the prostate which could be red, warm and swollen. People who suffer from prostatitis may notice certain symptoms such as fever, fatigue, burning feeling when they urinate or frequent visits to the bathroom and in this case a medical help is required immediately. Mostly, men who have urinary problems and signs of prostatitis are not found after a medical checking, other infections such as kidney stones or cancer may be responsible for everything.

To begin with, some kinds of prostatitis are caused by germs or bacteria, which can be easily detected under the microscope. Once the bacteria which caused prostatitis is identified, the physician may choose an appropriate treatment which usually includes antibiotics. On the other hand, when the infection is not reduced after following the treatment and the prostate allows bacteria to grow still, the only way to correct this defect is the surgery.

Moreover, when the doctor decides that the patient has a condition called nonbacterial prostatitis, antibiotics are not useful to treat this affection . In these cases, other remedies and treatments prescribed by the doctor may improve the affection. For instance, the doctor may recommend a medicine called alpha blocker to relax the muscle tissue in the prostate and also a special food diet and warm baths.

About the author:
For more information about prostate cancer diagnosis and about prostate cancer prevention please review this web site http://www.prostate-cancer-center.com