Fibromyalgia and related chronic pain

By:groshan fabiola

Opinions in the case of fibromyligia are still split some saying it’s just an imaginary thing of the particular person while others say that it’s a real chronic pain condition. One certain thing that the doctors have found out is that fibromylgia and chronic are closely related.

Defining this disease would go something like this: fibromylgia is a disorder of the central nervous system in a patient that make that particular person be more hypersensitivity to pain. After not many years of research, some doctors still have the opinion that this is all in the patient’s head, a real disease not being at all present. Genetical en heritage has also been proven to be an important factor in the patients development of this.

Doctors have decided to take serious action and determine once and for all what makes this illness appear in some people, thus treating patients as normal sick people. They have embarked on a quest to find and learn more about the factors that cause this and this way, if possible, find the best treatments available with modern medicine.

An astonishing number of some 10 million people have been found out to be suffering from this particular and strange fibromylgia.

Symptoms have been shown to vary a lot in patients: from mild ore severe chronic pain trough out the body of the person, to headaches and fatigue and most strangely memory problems and difficulty in concentration.

With the help of modern technology doctors and scientists have come to new and helpful conclusions in understanding fibromylgia. Recent brain studies made at the University of Michigan have shown that people with this illness tend to be a whole lot more response in the case of pain when it comes to compare them with normal people. The study of the brain waves in the cases of patients have shown a lot more activity for those who were exposed to pain. Because of this doctor have come up with the conclusion that people suffering from fibromylgia have some abnormalities within their central brain structures. Pain relievers have been found not to be affective in the cases of people suffering from this rare illness.

With all this being done effective treatments have yet to be found. Still understanding the disease has come a long way from saying it’s all in the patient’s mind making us believe that the finding of a reliable treatment is just around the corner.

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For more resources on fibromyalgia and espcially about fibromyalgia symptoms please visit this link