Fighting against urinary tract infections

By:groshan fabiola

Urinary infections can be treated only by the doctor. When a person thinks it has an infection and comes to the doctor, he will have to give an urine sample. The patient will be asked to clean his genitally area and then urinate into a sterile cup.
If the doctor suspects an infection, he will prescribe some antibiotics to the patient, and then will send the urine sample to the laboratory. It takes about 48 hours to identify the exact type of bacteria, and after knowing its type, the doctor might change the medication, prescribing other type of antibiotics.

Antibiotics begin fighting the infection immediately, but they can’t stop all the symptoms right away, so, if the patient has a lot of pain as a result of the urinary tract infection, the doctor will prescribe a medication to release his pain. This medication will color the urine, giving a bright orange color, but that does no harm.

It is important that patients take medication as long as the doctor prescribed it, even if they start feeling much better and think the infection is gone. Usually this medication lasts for seven to fourteen days, but if the patient’s symptoms aren’t much better after 2 or 3 days of treatment, it is necessary to call the doctor.

Drinking lots of water during and after the treatment is very important because the bladder cleanses itself every time you urinate. Coffee and spicy foods must be avoided, but cranberry juice may be helpful. Also it is recommended to give up smoking because this vice is linked to bladder problems.

People who go to the doctor when the first symptoms of urinary tract infection appear should easily get well after a few days of treatment, but in more serious kidney infection, the patient may need to return to the doctor to see if the infection is really gone. The doctor might advice the patient to avoid sexual intercourse for a week, to allow the inflammation completely disappear.

For preventing urinary tract infections, holding urine for long periods of time must be avoided. Girls should wipe from front to back with toilet paper after urination. After bowel movements, in order to avoid spreading bacteria from the rectal area to the urethra, you must wipe from front to back.
The genital area should be kept dry and clean, girls should avoid frequent bubble baths because the vaginal area can be irritated. Wearing underwear with cotton crotches is also helpful, and girls should skip feminine hygiene sprays because the urethra is affected.
Sexual active persons should go to the bathroom before and within 15 minutes after intercourse, and gently wash the genital area to remove any bacteria

It is important to know that urinary tract infections are uncomfortable and often painful, but they can be easily treated.

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For more resources about kidney infection or especially about please review kidney infection causes please review