Gallbladder and gallstones- useful things to know

By:groshan fabiola

The gallbladder is a small, pare like organ with a very important function in our organism. It is situated near the live, in the right part of the abdomen.

Most of the food we eat is full of fat. Therefor our organism needs something to digest this food as it cannot be dissolved in water. This way, our organism has found a way to take care of this problem as well. Here is where the bile steps in, along with the liver and gallbladder. Bile is produced by the liver and contains many substances that dissolve fat. It also stimulates the production of some enzyme, that has the role to break down fat. This important factor in our digestion is stored in the gallbladder, until it is needed.

Whenever we eat something fat, our gallbladder knows and starts to contract in order to create a flow of bile. This travels through cystic duct, then the bile duct, finds its way through a place called the ampulla of vater and ends up in the intestine, where it is needed. Besides this important parts it has in the flow of the bile, the gallbladder also helps concentrate bile, by removing water. So if one decides to remove his/ her gallbladder, the digestion of fat may be very inefficient. Although bile flows it will not be as concentrated.

Now that we know what gallbladder is and what it does, it is time to find out about the gallstones. This is one of the most common disorders of the gallbladder.

An exact reason why this gallstones form is not known with certainly, but there are speculations. It is believed that when the gallbladder is not working properly, the gallstones are born. Too much water is taken from the bile, when the gallbladder starts to work bad, and crystal stones appear.They can be of different shapes and sizes and may grow in time.

A reason why gallstones appear is the fat food that we eat. Instead of eating a lot of fibre, nowadays people tend to eat lot of fats and carbohydrates.

There are symptoms that indicate if someone is suffering from gallstones, but they rearly appear. Most of the patients that are diagnosed with gallstones found that they have this problem by accident, during x- ray. If they do not show any symptoms, it is best to leave this condition alone as it has a very small chance of getting worse. If symptoms do appear, the indicated thing to do is see a doctor and try to get treated.

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For more resources on Gall Bladder or especially about gall bladder symptoms please visit