General discussion about urinary tract infections (UTI)
- By:groshan fabiola
During their lives humans can suffer from various types of infections. One of these infections, that became more and more common in the last years, is urinary tract infection. Women are more exposed to this kind of infection than men. The reasons for that are not yet known. Almost 20 percent of women suffer of urinary tract infections (UTI). Even though the number of men is rather small compared to women cases, these kinds of cases can be very serious.
Urinary tract infections are affecting the urinary system and in the final stage, the kidneys. The kidneys are the most important organs that compose the urinary system along with the ureters, bladder and urethra. Kidneys are a couple of organs located bellow the ribs, in the middle of the back. Their mission is to remove the liquid excess from the body and the wastes from the blood through urine. The kidneys are also responsible with keeping the salt level balanced in the organism and with producing hormones that help red blood cells to generate. The urinary system functions when slim tubes called ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder where it’s stored. Form the bladder urine is eliminated through urethra.
The quantity of urine varies from person to person and it’s strictly related to the fluids and foods that a person consumes during the day. At night the quantity of urine is about half of the quantity formed in daytime.
Even though urine contains waste products is considered as being sterile. An infection often occurs because of bacteria from the digestive tract that stick to the urethra’s opening. The responsible bacteria are called Escherichia coli, and are colon bacteria.
Escherichia coli are the main cause of urinary infections. If they once got to the urethra’s opening they start multiplying and urethritis, an infection of the urethra, occurs. In some cases the bacteria moves to the bladder and generates an infection called cystitis. Without a proper treatment bacteria could infect the kidneys too. This kind of infection is called pyelonephritis.
Helping Escherichia coli in causing infections there are to mention the microorganism called Chlamydia and Mycoplasma. These infections do not move further to bladder or kidneys but they can be transmitted sexually.
Because of its structure the urinary system is hard to infect. Its components are functioning in one direction from the kidneys to the urethra and not both ways. That’s why for bacteria is a tough mission to get to infect the kidneys, but not impossible. Many cases in the last period confirm it.About the author:
For more info about treatment for kidney infection or even about kidney infection please review this website