General information about type 2 diabetes
- By:groshan fabiola
In the cases of patients suffering from diabetes we see that the levels of glucose are above normal. Generally after a person has just eaten, reaching the stomach, the food is broken down into a sugary substance called glucose. Being the stuff that powers us this is later on carried by blood to all the cells in our body. In patients suffering from diabetes insulin, the substance that converts the glues later into energy, is not produced by the pancreas in normal quantities as in normal people.
Diabetes 2 causes cells found in muscles, the liver and in the body’s fat not to be able to use the given glucose properly. Because of this the amount of glucose that is stored in the blood increases drastically wile the actual cells needing the substances are being starved of precious energy. Very severe outcomes may result because of this; over time nerves and blood vessels are seriously affected and damaged, fact that can ultimately lid to further illnesses like : blindness, kidney disease, heart attacks, nerve problems and even more drastic measures have to be taken like amputation.
As in other diseases some people are more likely to come down with the illness. Certain steps can be taken in order to prevent this. This way loosing some weight and starting an exercise program can drastically improve peoples chances not to make the disease. Attending to a more serious food diet can also delay and prevent the appearance of diabetes 2.
Overweight people and persons having a higher amount of glucose in the blood are the most likely to end up having the illness. Studies have shown that the most affected by the disease are usually minority groups. Certain women with diabetic problems in their life and people over 60 also tend to be more at risk.
Doctors have tried 2 different ways of preventing diabetes: exercising and changing ones lifestyle and drug administration. For this, certain people would start to exercise a short amount of time each day some 5 times a week and also change some of the things they trying to reduce harmful foods as much as possible. The other people would receive a drug called metformin and also they will get information about exercises and usual diets. Tests have shown that having a healthier way of life beats any medicine administration by far, the number of people that had improved their chances of reducing the risk being much greater than in the other case.
Better lifestyles and regular check ups at the doctors should always be kept in mind if one is to lid a normal and healthy life.About the author:
So, if you want to find out more about type 2 diabetes or even about what causes diabetes please follow this link