Gout- the battle between myth and facts

By:groshan fabiola

There has always been a battle between myths and facts when it came to gout. This battle has been fought over the cause and treatments of the gout. Some said that your gout can only be treated with medications and gout is caused mainly by your poor diet, whereas others strongly believed otherwise. The fact is that there are many steps that one can take to relieve his/ her gout symptoms and diet is maybe one of the last reasons for developing a gout.

To be more sure of these facts, here are some useful gout information. First of all, gout is actually another from of arthritis. Crystals are formed in your joints. The main gout target are people whose bodies produce a bigger quantity of uric acid of do not eliminate as much of this acid as they should. So, as you can see, uric acid is the main culprit in a gout case. The most common area for a gout is the joint in your big toe , although all your other joints can be affected by a gout as well.

As I have said before, the main reason that causes a gout is uric acid in larger quantities than needed. This chemical breaks and builds up food and tissues. Now, you are maybe wondering what causes this uric acid excess. well, to break down the myth, here are some of the main causes:
- an increased production of this acid can lead to a gout;
- a poor elimination of this acid is also another cause that lead to gout; this poor elimination is cause by your kidneys;
- and last eating foods that contain purine;
So, as you can see, diet is not the main culprit of a gout, but as in any myth there is some truth, it is one of the causes.

In the other case, where the myth states that gout can only be treated with medication, let me prove otherwise. Loss of weight can be very beneficial in your gout case. People that have a few extra pounds are more at risk of developing a gout. Furthermore, loosing of weight can relieve your gout symptoms. Changes in your diet can also relieve the gout symptoms and even prevent gout. Try to avoid ant foods containing purine, alcohol and sugar. Cherry juice is also known for preventing a gout attack.

In conclusion, there is some truth in myths, but when it comes to gout, better believe the facts.

About the author:
If you are intersted in finding more information about gout you can click on this website http://www.gout-info-center.com. Also you will find there valuable information about gout treatments and gout diet.