Hepatitis C symptoms
- By:groshan fabiola
Hepatitis is the inflammation of your liver, due to different causes. The main reason why you get hepatitis C is because of the infection with the hepatitis virus. Other cases would be medication, alcohol and even some diseases. Hepatitis C is the worst type of hepatitis that one can have. It is mainly spread through blood that is contaminated with the hepatitis C virus.
There are many people that are infected with hepatitis C virus or actually have hepatitis C and do not show any symptoms at all. Thy is happens to about three thirds of all hepatitis C patients. However, there are hepatitis C patients that develop symptoms. One third of the hepatitis C people feel general sickness, yellow skin and eyes, a loss of apatite and fatigue.
These are the maine hepatitis C symptoms that one might have. Weight loose is another of the hepatitis C symptoms that may appear. Aching joints will also be a problem is having hepatitis C. However, there are a lot of people that will suffer from hepatitis C and not have any symptoms at all for as long as thirty years after contacting the hepatitis C virus. This is not a reason to be happy, because the hepatitis virus will slowly damage your liver and you will not even know that. If these people do not take the test for hepatitis C, they will find out that they are actually infected with the hepatitis C virus when they liver will be in grave
An amazing number of people that had been infected with the hepatitis C virus will go one to live with parts of this hepatitis virus still in them. About fifteen percent of the hepatitis patients will actually get rid of the hepatitis virus completely. These are also the people that will not suffer from any consequences after they have had hepatitis C. Amazingly, not all the people that are infected with the hepatitis C virus actually need treatment. If you have hepatitis C it is best that you talk to your doctor and see whether you should take the hepatitis treatment or not. There are certain factors that one must take into consideration before starting the hepatitis C treatment. The hepatitis treatment has some side effects and unfortunately there is no vaccine to prevent the ingection with the hepatitis C virus. The hepatitis treatment should not be given to people that have other medical conditions.About the author:
For more resources about hepatitis c transmission please review http://www.hepatitis-guide.com/hepatitis-c-symptoms.htm or even http://www.hepatitis-guide.com/hepatitis-c-transmission.htm