Home pregnancy tests
- By:groshan fabiola
The every day common home pregnancy test works by recognizing a certain hormone that is only present in the urine of woman; this hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin and it first appears in the human blood stream when the fertilized egg implants its self in the wall of to uterus to begin growing and development. It first appears at about a six day period since the fertilization has occurred and than rapidly increases in quantity doubling in amount in about every 2 days. The test is only able to give a good proper answer after an amount of 14 days has passed since the fertilized egg has implanted its self in the uterus; it is also the time most likely for the first period to appear after the sexual contact has occurred. Still not all the test are accurate enough to give a proper prediction after only this short of an amount of time. Research has come up with an answer to the question when the perfect time to do the test? Would be and that is a week after your expected period before testing.
In order to sell their products as best they can, farmaceutical companies claim that the tests are accurate as soon as the day the woman misses her period. Still, studies made have shown that this is actually not so true. The fact is that humans are so different one from another that the level of hGC can vary a lot from woman to woman especially in the case where a pregnancy is suspected. A study made on the top 18 test at this time on the market has shown that only one of them was sensitive enough to actually give a good correct answer in all the cases. The other ones were able to do just 16 % of the actual pregnancies. The best time to do the test is as said earlier a week after the period should have came.
Scientists have still to develop a truly accurate test in such a way that it is possible to confirm the pregnancy in a woman the first day after the period should have come. The best test was able to pick up only a very faint trace of hormones in the urine showing a very little positive chance that the woman was pregnant.
In order to use the test as correctly as it should certain things must be done. The first would be to actually check the expiring date on the test. Only after this has been confirmed to still be valid the woman may proceed to taking the test. She must also check to see if the test hasn’t gotten in any contact with moist air or any water. If this is the case or suspicion do exist using a new one is the best next thing to do. Reading the instructions is a big must if the test is to be used correctly. Will some test require the women to pee directly on the test others may be more demanding requiring only a drop of urine to be placed at a certain spot on the test.About the author:
For more inforamtion about teenage pregnancy please visit http://www.pregnancy-1st-guide.com/teenage-pregnancy.htm or http://www.pregnancy-1st-guide.com/