How Teenagers Can Cope With Acne
- By:louise forrest
As a teenager, you are probably quite excited about the new world that is opening up to you. A world so different from the one you have known through all the years of your childhood. You may have heard about the teenage years being a fascinating time of discovery. No doubt you are looking forward to the increased freedom you can expect since you are growing up and much, much more. Until the day you find that you have broken out with acne.
Acne is normal. It is possible that the reality of suffering from acne will come as quite a shock, no matter how much you may have heard about it. So you thought you were prepared to deal with it and instead you find yourself at sea. That exciting world that seemed to be taking shape around you suddenly seems like a distant dream. But relax, and remember that you are not alone. Your acne is quite normal and there is plenty you can do to deal with it.
Acne, there is no need to panic. As an adolescent, you will find yourself going through a number of changes, both physical and psychological. Acne is simply an unfortunate part of the package. If you are upset about developing acne, that is hardly surprising. This is a time when you find your appearance changing in interesting ways and may have started taking interest in the opposite sex. Just when you are pumped up about the direction your life is taking, your acne arrives to spoil the party.
Learn to live with acne. It goes without saying that at a time like this when you are looking forward to having a good time; acne is the last thing you need. Anyway, since you do have it, the best thing you can do is learning to cope with acne without losing heart. It will make you feel better to look around at your friends. You will find many of them in the same boat, possibly with acne worse than your own. It is very important to remember that you will need to be patient if you want your acne to clear up.
Learn to deal with acne. In the meantime, there is plenty you can do to deal with your acne and more importantly, to keep yourself feeling good. It really is quite simple. You can help matters by simply ensuring that you keep up a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet. You may have heard that diet does not have anything to do with acne. True enough, but a nutritious diet can do plenty to keep your skin healthy and lift your spirits.
Fresh air is good for acne. It will help you to spend as much time as possible out of doors, where you will get both fresh air and sunlight. Both will be good for your skin, your frame of mind and ultimately, your acne. Even so, remember not to carry anything to extremes so that you end up with a suntan. If that happens, you will have two problems to deal with, instead of just the acne you started out with.
In case you do develop a suntan and have decided that you quite like the effect after all, remember that a tanned skin is more susceptible to acne. So do not make that mistake to begin with, you will be defeating the purpose of trying to beat your acne problem. If you do expect to spend a long time in the sun, do take care to use a good quality sunscreen. That way, your skin will be well protected.
Lastly, do remember that your friends are not the only ones apart from yourself who know what it feels like to be suffering from acne. In fact, acne is as new to them as it is to you. Remember that your parents have also lived through the scourge of acne as well. You can pour out your woes and seek comfort from them.
So keep smiling, take care and everything will work out for the best. In the end, your acne could well seem like nothing more than a bad dream. It may even bridge the generation gap!About the author:
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