How appendicitis could be diagnosed?

By:groshan fabiola

The abdominal pain is the main symptom of appendicitis.The pain is felt like an indigestion.The appendicitis is present if:the pain appears around the belly button or it gets stronger, a pain in the upper right quadrant, constipation,back pain ,slight fever or loss of energy.

If the abdominal pain is a cramping pain accompanied by diarrhea the appendicitis is missing.In the case of children the appendicitis may be accompanied by diarrhea and cramping. Older people, children younger than two years an pregnant women do not feel pain in the lower right quadrant.The appendicitis pain is felt different by some people because the appendix is differently situated.

There are many symptoms similar to appendicitis.The appendicitis may become serious in a short amount of time and a doctor should be called immediatelly.If the appendix has not ruptured the treatment is more easier.The patients should feel sick for at least 24 hours to be diagnosed with appendicitis.

Only after a medical history,physical examination,lab tests and imaging tests appendicitis can be diagnosed.The appendicitis is difficult to diagnose in children,pregnant women and older people.The digital rectal exam is made to identify the cause of the pain.The pain will be look for also in the lower right quadrant.A pelvic exam will be made for the women.The doctor will press down on the lower left quadrant of the body.The most common way to identify appendicitis is rising the right leg while sitting on the left side of the body to see if there is any pain.The right hip may be rotated toward the center of the body to see if a pain in the appendix area is present.

A rise temperature is a sign for appendicitis existence.A doctor will decide to give an appendicitis diagnosis only after a physical exam or a medical history.A complete blood count(CBC) will verify signs of infection.A urine test will be made to see if the urinary tract infection or kidney stone are causing a problem.

The first test which can be used to find if other conditions of abdominal pain exist is abdominal X-ray.Pictures of the appendix are used through ultrasound.The ultrasound is used especially for women to check problems with the reproductive organs.This method is used also for children.A normal appendix should have a diameter of 6mm(0.24 in.) or less and sometimes the appendix cannot be seen with an ultrasound.A CT scan is used when diagnosis of appendicitis is uncertain.In diagnosis appendicitis the method of CT Scan is more effective.The imaging test should always be performed.A laparoscopy will be rarely performed.In such cases a small camera is placed inside the abdomen to visualize the abdominal organs.In women of childbearing age a laparoscopy will help to give a diagnosis.

When obvious symptoms of appendicitis exist important tests like X-ray, CT-Scan or ultrasound should be made.

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