How can an ovarian cyst be treated?

By:groshan fabiola

The way an ovarian cyst will be treated depends on whether the woman is on menopause or has not reached menopause yet; depends on whether the symptoms are present and how bothering are they; and depends on the type of the ovarian cyst.

In pre-menopausal women surgery is not the first option of treatment. Depending on the type of cyst this can disappear of its own after 1 or 2 months without treatment. At the sonogram if the cyst looks benign and does not cause severe symptoms to the patient, it will be put under observation for 2 months. After that if the cyst is still there or has began to grow, causing severe pain to the patient, surgery is needed. In the worse cases due to the cyst, the ovary can twist around stopping the blood from irrigating it, or the cyst can rupture inside the ovary. These cases are considered emergency cases and need immediate surgery.

The cyst can be removed by laparoscopic surgery. This type of surgery is made with the help of the laparoscope, an instrument which has an optic camera which will be placed through the navel and small instruments which will be placed inside the abdomen through small incisions near the pubic bone. The best thing about laparoscopic surgery is that it leaves only tiny marks on the skin and the patient recovers very fast from the surgery. The procedure of removing the cyst from the ovary is known as cystectomy. The cyst is like a balloon filled with water. At first through an incision the liquid inside the cyst will be aspirated by one of the laparoscopic instruments and then the rest of the cyst will be easily taken out. The patient can leave the hospital during the same day and will be able to go to work after two weeks of rest.

The surgeons are very careful to leave as much intact ovarian tissue as possible in order to preserve the healthy eggs. There are some cases in which the ovary must be removed because the cyst grew too much and destroyed the normal tissue of the ovary.

In case the sonogram shows a cancerous cyst then the classical surgery will be performed.

There was a time when after removing the ovarian cyst the hysterectomy was done during the same surgical procedure. But nowadays surgeons try to avoid this procedure because it increases the risk of surgery. At any time a blood loss or other organ injury can be caused, endangering the life of the patient. This is why when the doctor recommends hysterectomy is good to ask him why and if you are not satisfied with his answer you should ask for a second opinion.

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For more info about pain from ovarian cyst or even about ruptured ovarian cyst please review this page