How depression affects pregnant women
- By:groshan fabiola
We all know that pregnancy along with raising a child can be the if not the happiest some of the happiest times a woman can heave. Bringing in to the world a new and most beautiful being can mean a lot to a women. Motherhood is a very special time for women. Still besides all these happy times women can also encounter some harsh moments. A number of significant emotional and physical changes affect a woman as long with a lot of stress and worry for the child to come. It is not uncommon for women to become depressive during child carriage or after birth.
It has been found that the state or mood of the woman is very important for both the health of the baby and of the mother. As always man has found a way to combat this depressions during the pregnancy of women.
If it were to define depression we could say that it is a time when one feels extreme sadness. Feeling sad is not an unnatural part of our lives but in the case of a depression this is a whole other fact. The depression is a feeling so strong that it interferes a lot with ones life and activities. Sleeping and eating are the most common activities that are affected sometimes with serious repercussions. Cases of depression in women are very common even more common in pregnant women. Still women should pay a lot of attention to this things if the health of both her and the baby are not to be compromised in any way or at any time during and after the pregnancy.
Recent test and studies have shown that depression are actually very common in pregnant women much to the surprise of a lot of people. Till not some long time ago certain health and care professionals thought that actually women couldn’t suffer from depressions during pregnancy because of certain hormones that are active at this time of their lives. Hormones like these were thought to have the power to actually protect the women from this kind of mood swings during this 9 month period of their lives.
Actually the case in pregnant woman is the other way around. Because the levels of hormones increase at such a high rate it was found that this was the actual trigger of the depressions. Numbers in researches done are quite worrying if we sit and look at them carefully: while some 20 % of pregnant women develop some type of depressions during the time of labor another 10 % may develop very serious cases of depressions that might actually require special treatment.
More than one factor has been found responsible for triggering depressions in pregnant women. The case is that because of both chemical changes and hormone changes differences in the mood of the women are very possible to happen and also common.About the author:
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