How important is treating diabetes?

By:groshan fabiola

Diabetes is a disease which appears when in the blood the glucose level is high for a long time. Glucose can be brought to the organism by food, it is found in honey, sugar, and certain fruits. Generally the glucose is used by the body as an energy source.

The level of glucose in blood in kept under control by insulin, a substance produced by the pancreas. By stimulating the cells to use glucose the insulin lowers the level of glucose in blood. Insulin is released by the pancreas mostly after eating is done and the level of glucose in blood is increased. In patients who suffer of diabetes mellitus insulin can not reduce the increased level of glucose in blood any more and so the glucose will continue to be stocked in the blood and after some time it will be found in the urine too.

Diabetes is classified in two: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is known to occur during childhood and was named as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The pancreas is not able to produce the insulin any more as the cells responsible to this process have been destroyed by the body. These patients require insulin injections permanently.

Diabetes type 2, also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus occurs mostly during adulthood. In this case the insulin is not produced in sufficient quantities or it is not effective on the body cells.

There is another type of diabetes called the gestational diabetes which sometimes occurs in women who are pregnant. This type of diabetes does not last forever; it ends after pregnancy is done.

The symptoms of diabetes will be seen if the high level of glucose in blood is kept like this for a long time. As glucose will be found in urine too, the patient will feel thirsty and dehydrated. Other symptoms of diabetes are: tiredness, weight loss, problems with vision, itchy skin and frequent minor infections.

Not treated for long time diabetes can cause serious complications like: retinopathy which can lead to blindness; nephropathy or kidney failure; nerve damage, leading to tingling, numbness and weakness in the hands and feet, and atherosclerosis.

Diabetes is a disease which lasts the whole life and can not be cured. Patient suffering of diabetes type 1 will permanently need insulin support.

Symptoms can be managed with adequate treatment. At first the doctor will recommend the patient to exercise daily and to keep a diet. Also, monitoring regularly the level of glucose in blood is essential for further treatment measures. If weight is being reduced type 2 diabetes can be managed quite easily along with keeping a diet and exercising. If these methods do not give the needed results oral medication will be prescribed and even insulin injections in the worse cases.

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So, if you want to find out more about diabetes mellitus or even about juvenile diabetes please follow this link