How to diagnose appendicitis

By:groshan fabiola

Any diagnosis begins with medical history and physical examination, but there are more diagnostic procedures as following: blood tests, urine tests, abdominal ultrasound which are used to view internal organs and their functions, computed tomography scan of the abdomen with or without contrast substance shows detailed images of any part of the body: bone, muscle, fats and organs. Barium enema examines the rectum, the large intestine, x-rayed shows if there are strictures, obstructions or any other problems.

Treatment is to be determined by physicians for each person regarding its age, medical history and health, tolerance to specific therapies, procedures and patients preferences. Usually the surgical removal of the appendix is recommended. The open method which consists of making a small incision in the lower right-hand side of the abdomen. If the appendix has already ruptured a small drainage tube is placed there to allow the pus and other fluids to drain out, in few days it may be removed.

Laparoscopic method uses several incisions through a camera called laparoscope is introduced in the abdomen. The patient is being anesthetized and this surgical procedure is not recommended if the appendix has already ruptured. Recovery after the operation of removal of the appendix known as appendectomy, is quick in few days. If the rupture of the appendix occurs then antibiotics are required and the recovery is longer. People may live without their appendix and no changes in lifestyle or diet are required.

Recognizing acute appendicitis is not a difficult matter as long as you know its symptoms, it is a disease with familial predisposition and affects a quite large number of people. It has been observed that its incidence is lower in cultures with high intake of dietary fiber nutrition, appendicitis is provoked by the obstructions of the appendices lumen. But, there are not enough explanations for the mechanisms of appendicitis.

Appendix is a small finger like tube close ended that attaches to the cecum, the appendix is known as the vermiform appendix in anatomical name. On its inner lining the appendix contains mucus and lymphatic tissue and layer of muscles. In adults the length of the appendix is approximated to 10 cm, but values of 2-20 cm are often seen. Its anatomical position varies from the retro-caecal position to extra-peritoneal although its base is in constant location, usually is located in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen.

Its functions are: endocrine, lymphatic, exocrine, neuromuscular. Sometimes appendicitis is difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are not very clear, if the pain starts in any other region and the tenderness is not prominent, especially in women may be mistaken with many other illnesses especially those of genito-urinal origin.

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For more resources about symptoms of appendicitis or even about treatment for appendicitis please visit this website