How to diagnose diabetes

By:groshan fabiola

The first thing when doctors suspect somebody with diabetes, they do some tests to make sure that their assumptions are true. Such a test to diagnose diabetes is a glucose test. However, this is just the beginning of the diagnosing process of diabetes. The other things that doctors must take into consideration when diagnosing a person with diabetes is wether they have any of the diabetes symptoms, their medical history and of course a pysical exam is required to proper diagnose diabetes. What doctors also have to keep in mind is that people who are very ill will have a very high blood sugar, even if they do not suffer from diabetes. Furthermore, some medications that you might take can also change the levels of glucose in your blood.

The most important of all aspects when diagnosing diabetes is a high level of sugar in your blood. This test is given to people after a night where they did not eat anything after 12 o' clock. To diagnose a person with diabetes after such a test, he/ she must have a value above 140 mg/dl and to be even more sure, this test in diagnosing diabetes must be given at least twice. A person that does not suffer from diabetes has a sugar level about 90 mg/ dl. The second test given to people to diagnose diabetes is a tolerance test with oral glucose.The person who has to take this test must not eat or drink anything for at least 11 hours, in order the diabetes test be certain. However, water is allowed. The first thing that doctors do when starting this diabetes test is to draw
blood from that person. Then he/ she is given a drink that has a very big amount of sugar in it. After half an hour, they test that person' s blood with this diabetes test. They do the same procedure again after an hour, two and three hours. For this diabetes test to work, a person must be in good health, that is he/ she must not suffer from any diseases or illnesses. Another thing to remember is that before taking this diabetes test you should not smoke or drink any coffee.

The diabetes test with oral glucose tolerance is done by measuring in three hours the glucose level in ones blood almost five times. In a person that has diabetes, after drinking the level will rise, but then fall back down very quickly. On the other hand,in a person that does not have diabetes the glucose level will fall down in time.

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So, if you want to find out more about diabetes mellitus or even about juvenile diabetes please follow this link