How to get more from your doctor's appointment

By:groshan fabiola

Don't expect that your doctor discusses more than a few minutes with you while examinating you routinely.You need to talk to your doctor about any change in your status health and address any member of the health care team to find out usefull information.

Making a list with your concerns and present them to your doctor every time you visit him, describe your symptoms, when they started, how they make you feel, what triggers them, and what you've done to relieve them.
If your doctor asks questions that sound embarrassing or overly personal, remember that the information you provide enables him or her to better establish a diagnosis, or to determine which treatment is most appropriate for you. Never fib in response to questions about alcohol or drug use, sexual history, or other lifestyle matters. Be honest about the extent to which you are taking your prescriptions or following a treatment plan.

Withholding the truth can affect the quality of your care and can even lead to a wrong diagnosis.Although studies haven't shown any results in the post menopausal symptoms may women reported that they have a better state of health after practicing yoga and acupuncture. Nontraditional medical treatments are complementary and alternative therapies including dietary and herbal supplements, chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy and certain diets.Complementary treatments are alternative treatments that are used in combination with traditional ones such as surgery.

Nutritional supplements that may relieve menopausal symptoms are: black cohosh and flaxseed those contain phytoestrogens and are a natural way to relieve post menopausal symptoms.Talk with your doctor about the last studies and recommendations in the treatment of menopausal symptoms, ask about side effects, the prices of the medications and if your health insurance helps you, if there are any foods, drugs, or activities you should avoid when taking the medicine. If there is something you don't understand ask once more.

You may bring a family member or trusted friend with you for support. Trust your doctor only that way you may have an open talk about your concerns and your treatment options. If you are not satisfied with the talk you had with your doctor than you should another advice too, because you might obtain a fresh perspective and more options for treatment of menopausal symptoms. Some information is also available on the Internet.

You may want to ask few questions to other health care members such as: office medical assistants and nurses. Remember to ask and interrupt your doctor when you don’t understand something, ask for material to inform you even if it is only for menopausal symptoms. You have to be very open and speak clearly of what you think and your condition and symptoms, because otherwise you won’t establish a good connection with your doctor.

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