How to keep diabetes under control?
- By:groshan fabiola
In order to improve the diabetic patient's condition the doctor needs to apply a treatment which will reduce the level of glucose in blood and will keep it constant. This way the symptoms will disappear gradually and the patient will feel better. In this way complication given by diabetes can be avoided and the life can be prolonged.
Before resorting to medication the doctor will try to reduce the symptoms with a diet and daily exercises. The doctor will help the patient to test his level of glucose in blood by its own; will let him know what he is allowed to eat and what he must avoid; will advise him what to do when he feels sick and will tell him where he can procure his diabetes supplies.
Adopting a new lifestyle is not an easy thing to do and people suffering of diabetes must have patients and will in educating themselves.
Testing the level of glucose in blood can be done by the patient without the doctor's help. These tests are usually done before meals and at bedtime. Sometimes they can be done more frequent if the patient feels sick or is under stress. The patient will monitor its level of glucose in blood with the help of a glucometer. The patient will prick his finger with a small needle attached to the glucometer and a drop of blood will appear on the finger. The finger will then be placed on a test strip and then the test strip will be placed in the glucometer. After 30 seconds the blood test results will appear on the screen of the glucometer.
By keeping a record of the values obtained in several days the doctor will be able to set a more adequate treatment scheme for the patient.
The diet will be also set by the doctor and a nutritionist who will choose healthy foods for the patient, in adequate amounts, and will also set a schedule for taking meals. In most of the cases, loosing weight can do a lot of good in diabetic patients and by this way they can renounce taking medications even though they still have diabetes.
Daily exercising is essential for a diabetic patient. In this way the weight can be kept under control and the glucose level in blood will be reduced. It also decreases I the insulin resistance, making it more effective in the process of reducing the level of glucose in blood.
Before adopting certain exercised the patient should talk with the doctor to see whether those exercises are suitable for him or not. Also, before, during and after exercising the patient should drink fluids that do not contain sugar, and should monitor the level of glucose in blood before and after exercising.
If exercising and diet do not help the patient in lowering the level of glucose in blood, then the doctor will recommend medication like: oral sulfonylurea, Biguanides, Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, Thiazolidinediones, Meglitinides.
In the worse case insulin injections will be prescribed. These injections must be done from one to four times a day depending on the product and on the type of diabetes the patient has.About the author:
So, if you want to find out more about juvenile diabetes or even about diabetes mellitus please follow this link