How to manage a sinus infection?
- By:groshan fabiola
The nose plays a special role in the body’s defense system. The air which enters the nostrils and goes through the nose to sinus cavities and then goes to the lungs is filtered by the nose. The nose has a cilia system that does all this cleaning up. If this system gets affected by pollutants, bacteria and allergies an inflammation will occur. Because the cilia will slow down their movements, mucus will be mass produced in order to eliminate the accumulated bacteria and in the end it will be trapped in the sinuses and cause a local infection. Sinus infection gives a lot of symptoms which are not easy bearable by the patients and this is why proper treatment must be given as soon as possible.
The therapy consists out of medical treatment and home care remedies. They are meant to clear up the infection, open and drainage the sinuses, and reduce as possible the intensity of the symptoms while reassuring prevention to recurrences of the infection.
In the air there are numerous bacteria and when breathing we inhale them. Sinusitis appears when the nasal membrane gets affected by pollutants, cold or dry air and becomes inflamed. Secondary the cilia will slow down their movements, and mucus will be mass produced in order to eliminate the accumulated bacteria. If the cilia filter is malfunctioning, these bacteria can get blocked in the sinus cavities and produce an infection.
The inflammation of the sinuses is realizing a local pressure and so is giving the affected person headaches. Treatment consists out of antibiotic drugs and decongestants. There can be taken generics every 4-6 hours or brand name medications which are a little more expensive but can be taken less frequent as they release in the organism slower. Nasal sprays are effective also but they must not be used for a long period of time as they can loose their effectiveness.
At home the patient has to drink warm liquids, like tea or chicken soup in order to maintain hydrated. Steam inhalation is of help and can be done 2 to 4 times a day. Another tip is applying wet bandages on your face. The compresses must be soaked in warm water in order to help the cilia move more efficiently. You must apply them three times a day and keep them for five minutes on your face.
If the sinus infection keeps on coming back on every year the patient should consider surgery as a method of curing this affection. By surgery the infection will be cleared out and the passage way will be drained by opening the nasal passages.About the author:
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