How to prevent hepatitis
- By:groshan fabiola
Hepatitis is a very common disease that can cause a lot of damage to your liver. In cases of viral hepatitis, there are some ways of prevention, but this generally speaking.
The most important thing to if you do not want to get infected with hepatitis is to keep a very good hygiene of your body and try to avoid living in crowded homes and most of all in unhealthy conditions. Because the viral hepatitis is mostly spread in the water, be very careful when travelling to places of the world where the quality of the water is uncertain. To avoid getting yourself infected with hepatitis, take care what you drink, where you bathe. If you are a seafood fan, be careful not to eat shellfish from waters that might be contaminated from the swage system. You can risk getting infected with hepatitis virus. Wash your hand every time after using the toilet and be careful not to eat with your hand dirty if you do not want to develop hepatitis. If, unfortunately somebody that you live with has developed hepatitis, clean all things that person with hepatitis has used.
Another common way to get infected with hepatitis is through needles that have been infected with hepatitis. This is mostly common in people who use drugs and in some medical procedure in less developed countries. Therefor, it is very good to let people know what risks they expose themselves, including hepatitis, when using intravenous drugs. Sexual contact can also be a cause for hepatitis infection, so teens should be educated accordingly.
In cases of hepatitis A, there are vaccines available. This vaccine is mostly recommended to people who travel a lot or have other liver problems, besides hepatitis. Furthermore, if those people have jobs that include contact with children or with many people, like in hospitals, the hepatitis vaccine is very indicated. There is available a vaccine for hepatitis B as well, which is a very good news in what hepatitis risk is concerned. Unfortunately, such a vaccine does not exist when hepatitis C is concerned. Studies on animals have shown that hepatitis C does not provoke the response that is needed for the vaccine to have any effect. If you contact the hepatitis virus, depending on what type of hepatitis you have, there are incubation periods. In hepatitis A, it lasts about one month, in hepatitis B from 4 to about 20 weeks and the longest is in hepatitis C, between two and twenty six weeks.About the author:
For more resources about hepatitis c transmission please review or even